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Date Posted: 11/28/15 1:23:35pm Sat
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: Belfast Blowup
In reply to: TheGreenCoat 's message, "Belfast Blowup" on 11/27/15 2:43:08pm Fri

C'mon man. You can come up with 20 fluff reasons for flying all the way to Belfast to play hockey and none of them are valid. Frankly, sending a group of non-athletes that could have spent all their time performing some kind of social work would have been money better spent. This trip amounts to nothing more than a junket for the team and some Colgate employees. Call it what it is. There is nothing wrong with that. The lame excuses make it sound like you are trying to disguise it.
Now you can try to justify spending 38 million on a new hockey rink when the current one is rarely more than half full. Please don't use recruiting as a reason. Colgate has done pretty good in Starr and there are colleges with facilities no better than Colgate's that do quite well.

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[> [> GR, write your Congressman -- Lord Mayor of Belfast, 11/28/15 1:37:06pm Sat

>C'mon man. You can come up with 20 fluff reasons for
>flying all the way to Belfast to play hockey and none
>of them are valid. Frankly, sending a group of
>non-athletes that could have spent all their time
>performing some kind of social work would have been
>money better spent. This trip amounts to nothing more
>than a junket for the team and some Colgate employees.
> Call it what it is. There is nothing wrong with
>that. The lame excuses make it sound like you are
>trying to disguise it.
> Now you can try to justify spending 38 million on
>a new hockey rink when the current one is rarely more
>than half full. Please don't use recruiting as a
>reason. Colgate has done pretty good in Starr and
>there are colleges with facilities no better than
>Colgate's that do quite well.

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[> [> [> Re: GR, write your Congressman -- TheGreenCoat, 11/28/15 5:03:15pm Sat

>>C'mon man. You can come up with 20 fluff reasons for
>>flying all the way to Belfast to play hockey and none
>>of them are valid. Frankly, sending a group of
>>non-athletes that could have spent all their time
>>performing some kind of social work would have been
>>money better spent. This trip amounts to nothing more
>>than a junket for the team and some Colgate employees.
>> Call it what it is. There is nothing wrong with
>>that. The lame excuses make it sound like you are
>>trying to disguise it.
would agree with Gate Raider...sometimes I wonder if our administration treats the hockey team like a bunch of lab rats...let's waste time and energy traveling to Cape Cod for two or three years, now the Belfast thing...I hate to say this but it would appear that the players have partially quit on the coach and perhaps vice versa...all our energy goes into a new arena WITHOUT a full complement of scholarships and with three years of very poor recruiting...there's a lot of blame to go around, but the one thing that really burns me up was not laying the foundation for a good product BEFORE making a $38 million commitment...I hope the incoming kids are good; they'd better be or we'll have the same thing we have now: 1200 bored fans, 100 of which are students...
>> Now you can try to justify spending 38 million on
>>a new hockey rink when the current one is rarely more
>>than half full. Please don't use recruiting as a
>>reason. Colgate has done pretty good in Starr and
>>there are colleges with facilities no better than
>>Colgate's that do quite well.

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[> [> [> [> Re: GR, write your Congressman -- Cr, 11/28/15 7:10:17pm Sat

>>>C'mon man. You can come up with 20 fluff reasons for
>>>flying all the way to Belfast to play hockey and none
>>>of them are valid. Frankly, sending a group of
>>>non-athletes that could have spent all their time
>>>performing some kind of social work would have been
>>>money better spent. This trip amounts to nothing
>>>than a junket for the team and some Colgate
>>> Call it what it is. There is nothing wrong with
>>>that. The lame excuses make it sound like you are
>>>trying to disguise it.
>would agree with Gate Raider...sometimes I wonder if
>our administration treats the hockey team like a bunch
>of lab rats...let's waste time and energy traveling to
>Cape Cod for two or three years, now the Belfast
>thing...I hate to say this but it would appear that
>the players have partially quit on the coach and
>perhaps vice versa...all our energy goes into a new
>arena WITHOUT a full complement of scholarships and
>with three years of very poor recruiting...there's a
>lot of blame to go around, but the one thing that
>really burns me up was not laying the foundation for a
>good product BEFORE making a $38 million
>commitment...I hope the incoming kids are good; they'd
>better be or we'll have the same thing we have now:
>1200 bored fans, 100 of which are students...
>>> Now you can try to justify spending 38 million on
>>>a new hockey rink when the current one is rarely more
>>>than half full. Please don't use recruiting as a
>>>reason. Colgate has done pretty good in Starr and
>>>there are colleges with facilities no better than
>>>Colgate's that do quite well.

Coach has been there a LONG time.......

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[> [> Re: Belfast Blowup -- the last Indian, 11/28/15 8:55:48pm Sat

Clear a stale program. But perhaps Ireland was a recruiting trip. Belfast is a hot bed of hockey.

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[> [> Re: Belfast Blowup -- gate, 11/29/15 10:41:53am Sun

Get real, GR...didn't see you complaining when the team went to Italy which led to a solid season afterward. There's something to be said for an experience like this. My guess is the players do not get the opportunity to study abroad due to their sport and I see nothing wrong with it. If we had won the tourney, everyone would be singing the praises of the coaches, administration, and city of Belfast. Learn to appreciate others' "disguised" perspectives like I do to yours when nobody else does!

Am bummed Finn is only a Junior; hope Point impresses from the start.

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[> [> [> Re: Belfast Blowup -- Gate Raider, 11/29/15 2:59:20pm Sun

Colgate's performance after Italy had nothing to do with the trip.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Belfast Blowup -- Steve, 11/30/15 4:24:38am Mon

>Colgate's performance after Italy had nothing to do
>with the trip.

Why not stop the digging and find a new thread. Where you can add value.

Go 'gate!

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Belfast Blowup -- Gate Raider, 11/30/15 10:51:37am Mon

I am trying to bring some perspective to the cost of athletics at Colgate and the cost of an education at Colgate. Please remember that the cost of athletics is shared by all of the students at the school and not just by those who participate in a sport. I support Colgate athletics in attendance and with dollars. I would like to see the dollars go where they will have the most benefit - scholarships for one.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Doubt that gate had to pay a cent for this junket -- Voy Board Sanity Monitor, 11/30/15 11:57:13am Mon

Per usual, GR, you're starting to contradict yourself....or something like that, in your case.

>I am trying to bring some perspective to the cost of
>athletics at Colgate and the cost of an education at
>Colgate. Please remember that the cost of athletics
>is shared by all of the students at the school and not
>just by those who participate in a sport. I support
>Colgate athletics in attendance and with dollars. I
>would like to see the dollars go where they will have
>the most benefit - scholarships for one.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Belfast Blowup -- Safe Space Janitor, 11/30/15 11:59:49am Mon

Over $25 million in donations has been raised for the new hockey facility, and it's still ongoing. Over $200k was raised by the organizers of the Belfast tournament from private sources to cover the travel expenses of the participating teams. You seem to be confusing what is being spent with who is spending it.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> S.S.J.: Thnx but...Don't confuse GR with facts -- Voy Board Sanity Monitor,, 11/30/15 3:22:34pm Mon

>Over $25 million in donations has been raised for the
>new hockey facility, and it's still ongoing. Over
>$200k was raised by the organizers of the Belfast
>tournament from private sources to cover the travel
>expenses of the participating teams. You seem to be
>confusing what is being spent with who is spending it.

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