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Re: JMU -- Gate95, 12/ 2/15 2:48:21pm Wed
>>>Time to start focusing on Saturday's game vs Jim
>>>Madison. What do fans think our chances are against
>>>this #4 seed? It seems the team is gelin' and we are
>>>finding a good balance between the pass and the run.
>>>The D is playing much better than they did back in
>>>early Sept. Melville has matured and is reading the
>>>opponents D much better every game. Don't think there
>>>were any major injuries against UNH, so we should be
>>>healthy. JMU is a formidable adversary and a high
>>>scoring outfit. We need to score early and often to
>>>keep up with their high powered game. Your
>>JMU beat SMU and averages fourty four points a game.
>>They have allowed 27 points per game. A daunting task
>>ahead of us. But,you never know, why they play the
>Only common opponent was Lehigh, whom they hammered.
>With two losses - to Richmond and Bill & Mary - they
>are beatable but look awfully good stats-wise. Win
>over SMU is impresive. Wonder if the weather will be
>okay in Harrisonburg? From my happy place I will be
>tuning in to ESPN3. Anyone making the trek south?
Weather is going to be perfect. Sunny and temps in the mid 50s.
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