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Date Posted: 11/30/15 5:37:20pm Mon
Author: pigskin
Subject: Re: JMU
In reply to: Zappa 's message, "Re: JMU" on 11/30/15 1:44:59pm Mon

>>Time to start focusing on Saturday's game vs Jim
>>Madison. What do fans think our chances are against
>>this #4 seed? It seems the team is gelin' and we are
>>finding a good balance between the pass and the run.
>>The D is playing much better than they did back in
>>early Sept. Melville has matured and is reading the
>>opponents D much better every game. Don't think there
>>were any major injuries against UNH, so we should be
>>healthy. JMU is a formidable adversary and a high
>>scoring outfit. We need to score early and often to
>>keep up with their high powered game. Your
>JMU beat SMU and averages fourty four points a game.
>They have allowed 27 points per game. A daunting task
>ahead of us. But,you never know, why they play the

Only common opponent was Lehigh, whom they hammered. With two losses - to Richmond and Bill & Mary - they are beatable but look awfully good stats-wise. Win over SMU is impresive. Wonder if the weather will be okay in Harrisonburg? From my happy place I will be tuning in to ESPN3. Anyone making the trek south?

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[> [> [> Re: JMU -- get em 'gate, 11/30/15 6:52:48pm Mon

>>>Time to start focusing on Saturday's game vs Jim
>>>Madison. What do fans think our chances are against
>>>this #4 seed? It seems the team is gelin' and we are
>>>finding a good balance between the pass and the run.
>>>The D is playing much better than they did back in
>>>early Sept. Melville has matured and is reading the
>>>opponents D much better every game. Don't think there
>>>were any major injuries against UNH, so we should be
>>>healthy. JMU is a formidable adversary and a high
>>>scoring outfit. We need to score early and often to
>>>keep up with their high powered game. Your
>>JMU beat SMU and averages fourty four points a game.
>>They have allowed 27 points per game. A daunting task
>>ahead of us. But,you never know, why they play the
>Only common opponent was Lehigh, whom they hammered.
>With two losses - to Richmond and Bill & Mary - they
>are beatable but look awfully good stats-wise. Win
>over SMU is impresive. Wonder if the weather will be
>okay in Harrisonburg? From my happy place I will be
>tuning in to ESPN3. Anyone making the trek south?

Contra-intuitive perhaps, but while the thinking may be to run the ball to take time off the clock and keep the ball from the hands of JM,the passing game may be the key. Especially if JM is loading the D to stop the run. Gate has receivers at 6'6'", 6'4". 6'3".Their height can be an advantage but only if you get them the ball. Not knowing anything about the JM D, I can only think that however good they are their top coverage DBs can only go 2 or 3 deep. Then add in Madaluna who will poss a major converage issue. Not sure re Wingenroth as didn't notice him in the NH game. But he is a dangerous runner in the open field giving emphasis to the question- if you are JM which receiver do you cover with your least effective DB(s)? Quazza should be a go to guy especially on some third downs. A good passing game can be one of a runner's better friends.

On D, the time may be past for soft coverage. Assuming JM has a good air game they should be able to penetrate a D, if not pick it apart, which allows the receiver to catch the ball against soft coverage. Risky,of course,if the receiver is covered in a man D, but the best opportunity to win is likely to take some chances. If the QB is getting too much time to throw ala NH, some blitzes may be essential. Once more risky business, but an additional dose of risk may be necessary.

Hopefully, team will focus on stripping the ball.Turnovers can be decisive if all else goes well. Would be interesting to know Gate's strategy re Field Goals and distances for attempts.

At the end of the day, x s and o s are great, but it is the guys on the line who will tell the story. As John Madden would say look at the line of scrimmage and see which way the pile is going.NThat could be the story of the game. Go GATE!!

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[> [> [> Re: JMU -- Gate95, 12/ 2/15 2:48:21pm Wed

>>>Time to start focusing on Saturday's game vs Jim
>>>Madison. What do fans think our chances are against
>>>this #4 seed? It seems the team is gelin' and we are
>>>finding a good balance between the pass and the run.
>>>The D is playing much better than they did back in
>>>early Sept. Melville has matured and is reading the
>>>opponents D much better every game. Don't think there
>>>were any major injuries against UNH, so we should be
>>>healthy. JMU is a formidable adversary and a high
>>>scoring outfit. We need to score early and often to
>>>keep up with their high powered game. Your
>>JMU beat SMU and averages fourty four points a game.
>>They have allowed 27 points per game. A daunting task
>>ahead of us. But,you never know, why they play the
>Only common opponent was Lehigh, whom they hammered.
>With two losses - to Richmond and Bill & Mary - they
>are beatable but look awfully good stats-wise. Win
>over SMU is impresive. Wonder if the weather will be
>okay in Harrisonburg? From my happy place I will be
>tuning in to ESPN3. Anyone making the trek south?

Weather is going to be perfect. Sunny and temps in the mid 50s.

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