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Re: SHSU -- AnotherKatFan (Excited), 12/ 6/15 3:12:58pm Sun
>Never heard of sam houston. Trade school?
I excuse your ignorance. You probably don't follow the playoffs much due to the fact that your team is never in it. Truthfully, we thought your school was named after toothpaste. No big deal either way.
Sam Houston State University is a mid sized and fast growing university in the great(est) state of Texas. A place where we don't give half of our earnings to liberal masters who tell us what size soda we are allowed to drink.
The University is named after Samuel Houston. A brave man who was winning independence while your ancestor's were dying of vitamin D deficiencies.
If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer.
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Re: SHSU -- The Future, 12/ 6/15 3:21:52pm Sun
What percentage of the campus is the "Body Farm?"
Are you able to see the decomposing human corpses from different vantage points or do you just have to trust the smell?
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Re: SHSU -- maven, 12/ 6/15 3:39:12pm Sun
>What percentage of the campus is the "Body Farm?"
>Are you able to see the decomposing human corpses from
>different vantage points or do you just have to trust
>the smell?
What are the SAT scores of entering students?
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Re: SHSU -- The Lone Haranguer, 12/ 6/15 4:59:47pm Sun
Criminal Justice major: career choice or life skills for athletes?
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Re: SHSU -- CU70s, 12/ 6/15 5:51:02pm Sun
>>Never heard of sam houston. Trade school?
>I excuse your ignorance. You probably don't follow the
>playoffs much due to the fact that your team is never
>in it. Truthfully, we thought your school was named
>after toothpaste. No big deal either way.
>Sam Houston State University is a mid sized and fast
>growing university in the great(est) state of Texas. A
>place where we don't give half of our earnings to
>liberal masters who tell us what size soda we are
>allowed to drink.
>The University is named after Samuel Houston. A brave
>man who was winning independence while your ancestor's
>were dying of vitamin D deficiencies.
>If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to
As I recall when visited the Alamo, very FEW of the defenders were from what is now known as Texas, the rest from everywhere else!! 6 of the defenders were from New York , only 8 or 9 "Texians" (Texas not existing at the time) all of these "Texians" but perhaps one from Miss.-Tex. being hispanics (of whom YOU , Gomer are obviously not one)..probably didn't even attend SHSU, or if you did, you're a disgrace to no doubt a fine institution), can thank New Yorkers, and many Americans from other states and Europeans for your existence as a state...I love Texas and the vast majority of its many fine and hospitable people...YOU obviously aren't one of them! Never met anyone approximating you in many visits there. Come on our board insulting us?.....remember, football is only a game!..but FYI, we've been playing football 22 more years than you JUNIOR! Think you can handle us, 18,000 vs. 2,800...Gee , you should be able to, huh? What do you know or can explain to us?...other than tripe insults...begone, quit fouling our board insect...
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Re: Isn't in funny that the trash talking only appears in the playoffs. -- Steve, 12/ 6/15 4:22:42pm Sun
How to compare Colgate and SHSU?
It's easy with an online search. This is from Forbes:
Colgate #40 overall, SHSU #598 overall
Colgate 26% admitted, SHSU 65%
Colgate composite SATs 1270-1460, SHSU 920-1090
Colgate student body 2900, SHSU 19210
Colgate Student - faculty ratio 9:1, SHSU 24:1
Colgate percent on financial aid 41%, SHSU 87%
... Just so everyone knows who they're dealing with.
Go 'gate!
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Re: Isn't in funny that the trash talking only appears in the playoffs. -- The Future, 12/ 6/15 5:00:29pm Sun
The only thing that really matters is that they seem to have a very good football team (and a place to store bodies).
They also have a coach that has had Colgate's number in the past.
Would be a great win for Colgate.
Also, I love that their fans are coming here and talking smack. Hope they are sitting at keyboards 2,000 miles away wearing giant stupid orange felt cowboy hats typing something that cuts to the quick. Too bad M.A. Rooney isn't around anymore--would have given them a really good place to start.
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Re: Isn't in funny that the trash talking only appears in the playoffs. -- Go...'gate, 12/ 6/15 9:00:44pm Sun
>When we play Navy or Syracuse or Lehigh or Fordham,
>we don't see it. the last time saw it here was when
>we had a run deep into the playoffs. Seriously i
>remember in 2003 when the Delaware fans starting
>writing the same kind of garbage leading up to the
>national championship. its funny how this comes
>with a successful run the playoffs. Its all in good
>fun but its so predictable.
>To our Sam Houston poster here..... Colgate has an
>enrollment to 2700 students. we are one of the
>smallest division 1 schools in the country and we have
>tied Notre Dame, Stanford, etc for the highest
>graduation rates of our athletes for years. We field
>more division 1 teams than the university of Texas.
>Look it up if you doubt this.
KC Keeler clearly brought some of the 2003 UD posters with him when he went to SHSU. A really classy griup, for sure.
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Re: SHSU -- gate, 12/ 7/15 12:19:22am Mon
I did not want to respond to this thread but that post of yours is priceless, Colg8..and probably right.
And for the uninformed El Chupawhateverthehellyoucallit, Colgate students graduate with the 4th lowest debt after 4 years of college...around $11,000 total, and PayScale ranks Colgate as the #2 school in the nation in salary earnings. We'll fill you in more when you schedule your interview.
FWIW a salary is what you earn when you work for a living. Smack ain't cheap so get crackin'.
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Re: SHSU -- 60s alum, 12/ 7/15 10:04:17am Mon
>For $62k/year I would hope your school is in the top
>10 percent of every ranking in the US. Hell I
>graduated Sam (4/yrs) with less than that total.
>It's a long way from Hamilton NY to Huntsville and is
>going to be a long plane ride home after the Kats put
>a beat down on your boys.
This Chewbacka kid is annoying. I thought Huntsville was in Alabama? Maybe this mistake on his part reflects the Geography SAT scores at SHU?
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Re: SHSU -- Critic, 12/ 7/15 4:44:08pm Mon
>>I'm an SHSU grad. Two other brothers went to UT. My
>>Dad was a William & Mary grad, New Yorker, played
>>football. As a result, I follow W&M still. A few
>>years ago, when SHSU made the Championship game, a W&M
>>alum pointed out the W&M endowment versus Sam
>>Houston's, and asked "do we really want to be in FCS
>>with Sam Houston?" Why is it schools back East throw
>>endowment into a football "chat room"? For the
>>record, SHSU was started as a teachers' college, and
>>has one of, if not the best CJ dept. in the U.S.
>>Teachers, nurses, and law enforcement don't usually
>>grow an endowment like lawyers or doctors. Have a
>>nice day, Biff.
>"Why is it schools back East throw endowment into a
>football "chat room"?"???????..**why is it you come
>into our chat room to insult us and then act
>indignant, GOMER!!??
SHSU has one of the best CJ depts in the US? I assume you are abbreviating criminal justice? Okay, criminal state...death penalty. Enough said.
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Re: SHSU -- get em 'gate, 12/ 7/15 6:46:22pm Mon
>>>I'm an SHSU grad. Two other brothers went to UT. My
>>>Dad was a William & Mary grad, New Yorker, played
>>>football. As a result, I follow W&M still. A few
>>>years ago, when SHSU made the Championship game, a
>>>alum pointed out the W&M endowment versus Sam
>>>Houston's, and asked "do we really want to be in FCS
>>>with Sam Houston?" Why is it schools back East throw
>>>endowment into a football "chat room"? For the
>>>record, SHSU was started as a teachers' college, and
>>>has one of, if not the best CJ dept. in the U.S.
>>>Teachers, nurses, and law enforcement don't usually
>>>grow an endowment like lawyers or doctors. Have a
>>>nice day, Biff.
>>"Why is it schools back East throw endowment into a
>>football "chat room"?"???????..**why is it you come
>>into our chat room to insult us and then act
>>indignant, GOMER!!??
>SHSU has one of the best CJ depts in the US? I assume
>you are abbreviating criminal justice? Okay, criminal
> state...death penalty. Enough
Time to recognize that SH is Gate's host with fine students, fine alumni, and fine fans. In short, a good school with a top notch program. Raider fans should not distracted from a core value- graciousness ! What is more important?? And no need to change because of other fans whose path to the game may not take them along on the high road.
I am sure that Gate fans who make the game will meet the many thoughtful and gracious members of the SH university community and area residents. Can't make the game myself, but if I could I would enjoy doing a beer or two in their good company.
So tee up the rivalry but in good sport. And GO GATE !
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Re: SHSU -- bs, 12/ 7/15 6:52:27pm Mon
agreed...can we show some class
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Re: SHSU -- AnotherKatFan, 12/ 7/15 11:12:25pm Mon
>agreed...can we show some class
It's the playoffs. A little banter isn't going to kill anyone. Don't take things too seriously.
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Re: SHSU -- Pucked up, 12/ 8/15 11:31:46am Tue
>>agreed...can we show some class
>It's the playoffs. A little banter isn't going to kill
>anyone. Don't take things too seriously.
Considering you reside in an "open carry" state, I wish you'd use a bit more discretion with your choice of words. lol and go 'gate and with or without the banter, I'm looking for a great game.
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Re: SHSU -- TheGreenCoat, 12/ 8/15 11:58:18am Tue
>>>agreed...can we show some class
>>It's the playoffs. A little banter isn't going to kill
>>anyone. Don't take things too seriously.
>Considering you reside in an "open carry" state, I
>wish you'd use a bit more discretion with your choice
>of words. lol and go 'gate and with or without the
>banter, I'm looking for a great game.
TheCoat is here, enjoying the banter...will be home Sat night, missing a Xmas party or two, but still possessing a nice bottle of chardonnay and a passion for my RED RAIDERS...can't wait to get all riled up...
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