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stop counting your chickens -- Maven, 11/ 8/15 7:08:56pm Sun
>>"...the NCAA will assign the game based on potential
>>gate receipts, quality of the facility, attendance
>>potential, etc."
>>In other words, everything else but what the players
>>themselves worked for and deserve. It sucks.
>So all the other teams don't deserve a home game? None
>of the other teams worked hard? Be realistic. If
>Colgate makes the playoffs they'll be ranked 20-24 in
>the tournament. Put in a high bid and make UNH, James
>Madisson or W&M travel to Hamilton.
Wait till Saturday night and see where we are.
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You mean, on Sat., we have to beat the squawks first for any of this to matter ? -- Egg Chicken Gate, 11/ 8/15 7:44:32pm Sun
>>>"...the NCAA will assign the game based on potential
>>>gate receipts, quality of the facility, attendance
>>>potential, etc."
>>>In other words, everything else but what the players
>>>themselves worked for and deserve. It sucks.
>>So all the other teams don't deserve a home game? None
>>of the other teams worked hard? Be realistic. If
>>Colgate makes the playoffs they'll be ranked 20-24 in
>>the tournament. Put in a high bid and make UNH, James
>>Madisson or W&M travel to Hamilton.
>Wait till Saturday night and see where we are.
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Re: You mean, on Sat., we have to beat the squawks first for any of this to matter ? -- Go...'gate, 11/ 8/15 10:09:21pm Sun
>>>>"...the NCAA will assign the game based on potential
>>>>gate receipts, quality of the facility, attendance
>>>>potential, etc."
>>>>In other words, everything else but what the players
>>>>themselves worked for and deserve. It sucks.
>>>So all the other teams don't deserve a home game?
>>>of the other teams worked hard? Be realistic. If
>>>Colgate makes the playoffs they'll be ranked 20-24 in
>>>the tournament. Put in a high bid and make UNH, James
>>>Madisson or W&M travel to Hamilton.
>>Wait till Saturday night and see where we are.
No one is counting their chickens. Did you see the title to the thread? I am just hoping we don't have a repeat of the last fiasco.
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