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No -- Seriously?, 11/12/15 8:28:31pm Thu
The PL AQ would come down to a vote of the ADs. If you were an AD would you vote for a 6-5 team over a 7-2 team? We MUST to win on Saturday to get in. There also is no hope for an at-large if we don't win.
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Re: No -- Gate'83, 11/12/15 9:45:23pm Thu
>The PL AQ would come down to a vote of the ADs. If you
>were an AD would you vote for a 6-5 team over a 7-2
>team? We MUST to win on Saturday to get in. There also
>is no hope for an at-large if we don't win.
AQ is our only way in to the playoffs. We win a share of the league title with one win in our last two games and get the AQ with one win and one Lehigh loss (vs us, or could still get it at 6-5 if we lose to the Brown cloud but they then lose to the Leopards. That would mean we tie for the title with Fordham but get the AQ based on head to head). Agree that we don't get in if there's a 3 way tie, AD's would (correctly) put Fordham in.
Whatever. Let's win Saturday and not worry about it!
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Re: No -- get em ' gate, 11/13/15 2:48:09pm Fri
>>The PL AQ would come down to a vote of the ADs. If you
>>were an AD would you vote for a 6-5 team over a 7-2
>>team? We MUST to win on Saturday to get in. There also
>>is no hope for an at-large if we don't win.
>AQ is our only way in to the playoffs. We win a share
>of the league title with one win in our last two games
>and get the AQ with one win and one Lehigh loss (vs
>us, or could still get it at 6-5 if we lose to the
>Brown cloud but they then lose to the Leopards. That
>would mean we tie for the title with Fordham but get
>the AQ based on head to head). Agree that we don't
>get in if there's a 3 way tie, AD's would (correctly)
>put Fordham in.
>Whatever. Let's win Saturday and not worry about it!
Anyone be at the Colgate Inn before the game? Weather forecast as it now stands for tomorrow: High39,Low 33, Humidity 69%, Wind 20 mph, Precipitation likelihood 20%. Pretty good Gate weather I think.
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Re: Shared Competition -- Gate Raider, 11/14/15 12:23:01am Sat
If the weather gets really bad I'll be at the INN at half to watch on TV. It is being broadcast by Time Warner in that area.
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