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Date Posted: 11/16/15 3:36:21pm Mon
Author: Go...'gate
Subject: Re: "The coaches don't allow the players to join any fraternity other than DU..."
In reply to: Critic 's message, "Football attendance?" on 11/15/15 3:42:41pm Sun

>Official, announced attendance was 3828. 3828?
>C'mon, man. Who is doing the counting? That's not
>the attendance I saw. How about 1000 or so? Why the


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[> [> Re: "The coaches don't allow the players to join any fraternity other than DU..." -- gatefan, 11/16/15 3:59:51pm Mon

could be paid vs actual ??

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[> [> Re: "The coaches don't allow the players to join any fraternity other than DU..." -- Gate'83, 11/16/15 5:33:03pm Mon


Yes, really. Has been that way for some time. And still a better deal than the other athletes get, hockey, hoop, lax and golf(!) aren't allowed to join at all (not sure on the other sports, those are the ones where I've discussed with the coaches).

Coaches universally point to the amount of time playing a D1 sport takes up, combined with schoolwork they don't want their kids to have another distraction that takes them away from their focus on academics & athletics. Fair enough, but this insulates the athletes from the rest of the student body which then has no personal stake in our team's games.

I was talking to a sophomore in the parking lot before the football game Saturday, his plan was to leave the tailgate & go party with his friends... saving his football related fandom for the Giants on Sunday. Since he knows the Giants players about as well as the Colgate ones, he's choosing to watch the higher level. Hard to blame him.

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[> [> Re: -- gate, 11/16/15 7:17:30pm Mon

Hard to blame him? Respect your opinion, but that is such a warped statement that I don't even know where to begin. I drive over 3 hours for every home game (and several away games), sit through all kinds of weather, spend all kinds of money, and I don't know any player personally...but my loyalty to Colgate is never in question. I also wouldn't judge any student's decision to not attend a game, unfortunate though it may be, even when there are playoff implications. Personally, I can't wait until Saturday when I can do it all over again, especially since it is likely to be our last home game. I am anticipating the lowest attendance of the season vs. Bucknell.

I think allowing alcohol would raise some attendance and "spirits" in the stands. C'mon, Vicky, we need to stay warm out there!

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[> [> [> Re: -- Gate'83, 11/16/15 9:48:44pm Mon

>Hard to blame him? Respect your opinion, but that is
>such a warped statement that I don't even know where
>to begin. I drive over 3 hours for every home game
>(and several away games), sit through all kinds of
>weather, spend all kinds of money, and I don't know
>any player personally...but my loyalty to Colgate is
>never in question. I also wouldn't judge any
>student's decision to not attend a game, unfortunate
>though it may be, even when there are playoff
>implications. Personally, I can't wait until Saturday
>when I can do it all over again, especially since it
>is likely to be our last home game. I am anticipating
>the lowest attendance of the season vs. Bucknell.
>I think allowing alcohol would raise some attendance
>and "spirits" in the stands. C'mon, Vicky, we need to
>stay warm out there!

Hard to blame him in that the school has done very little to encourage his attendance. He doesn't know the players, which I think was a big driver of student attendance/loyalty back in my day. Campus security, which represents Colgate in his mind, views him as a criminal in the parking lot. He can go drink with coeds Saturday and watch the Giants Sunday. What have we done for him that makes him think that Colgate football should be a priority?

I say this from the perspective of an alum who also comes back for the games. Just giving the student POV...

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[> [> [> [> Re: -- pigskin, 11/18/15 10:04:04am Wed

He can go drink with>coeds Saturday and watch the Giants Sunday. What have we done for him that makes him think that Colgate>football should be a priority?

Thees students attend Colgate University the last time I looked. 'Nuf said. If the students don't think they owe their alma mater attendance at football games on Saturdays, then I'm a monkey's uncle. In my day there was no question that the whole student body would turn out, and enthusiastically - it's school spirit after all. It truly shows you the depths of apathy today's kids have for their colleges/universities when they choose booze and coeds at the frats on a Saturday afternoon instead of supporting the teams that represent them on the field/court. Gheesh!

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