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Date Posted: 11/18/15 9:07:37pm Wed
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: Football attendance?
In reply to: Critic 's message, "Football attendance?" on 11/15/15 3:42:41pm Sun

The school and football team have to do more to get the students involved and feel like they are a part of the event.
1. Let the students do some partying at the tailgate. Campus security treats them like the enemy.
2. Make lunch available to students at the game.
3. Have some kind of competition between Frats and/or Sor. during half time - float, tug of war, etc.
4. Football players could use some personal relations training. They need to engage more with students and not be a separate culture in the student body. The players are nice kids and the should reach out beyond the environment of the team.
5. At the season ticket holder barbecue this year. The players made no attempt to sit with ticket holders. They sat at tables with each other.
6. Colgate needs to raise the visibility of the team by doing some advertising in the Utica and Syracuse areas. Offer a buy one get one free future game. Charge less for parking. Pick a weekend when Syracuse isn't in town. Do it in October.

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[> [> You must be kidding, GR ? -- 21st Century Digital & Other Reality, 11/18/15 10:44:28pm Wed

Have you been in a cave ?
Give it up, man!...Times change!
Do yourself a favor, pick up golf, join a bowling league or become a den mother, pal !

>The school and football team have to do more to get
>the students involved and feel like they are a part of
>the event.
>1. Let the students do some partying at the tailgate.
> Campus security treats them like the enemy.
>2. Make lunch available to students at the game.
>3. Have some kind of competition between Frats and/or
>Sor. during half time - float, tug of war, etc.
>4. Football players could use some personal relations
>training. They need to engage more with students and
>not be a separate culture in the student body. The
>players are nice kids and the should reach out beyond
>the environment of the team.
>5. At the season ticket holder barbecue this year.
>The players made no attempt to sit with ticket
>holders. They sat at tables with each other.
>6. Colgate needs to raise the visibility of the team
>by doing some advertising in the Utica and Syracuse
>areas. Offer a buy one get one free future game.
>Charge less for parking. Pick a weekend when Syracuse
>isn't in town. Do it in October.

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[> [> Gate Raider is right -- gate88, 11/19/15 10:54:14am Thu

Gate Raider has some good ideas here.

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[> [> [> Poster "Culture'" post below is the trend -- Putting Lipstick on an FCS Raider 2015, 11/19/15 1:12:34pm Thu

GR's approach is like kissing your sister!

>Gate Raider has some good ideas here.

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