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Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross -- bison137, 10/27/15 10:41:35am Tue
>To your point, HC or some other team has to be at the
>bottom of the PL in each sport. And then recenter
>itself overall with some distraction about "the best
>is yet to come, yada yada" as HC has done with
>football and men's basketball periodically.
>Then there is their capital campaign for the Hart
>Center whereby they aim to raise - get this - $85
>million to renovate and add to it - as per their
>athletics website. Last year when I first noticed this
>news the figure was $104 million, and for all I know
>it still is. Maybe the publicity has just been toned
>down? Check it out!
>Here is a school about Colgate's size, a smaller
>endowment ($726 million vs $892 million), and which
>claims to meet full aid needs whereas Kiplingers shows
>its ave indebtness per student is much higher (roughly
>$31 thousand vs $19 thousand), going for broke for
>athletics. Imagine Colgate doing that? Our Class of
>1965 Arena at $38 million was a long time in coming
>and a reach. And it seems that it will still be a
>while until the Starr renovation - at a much much
>smaller amount than that - gets public fundraising
>Moving along, we should feel pretty good about our
>sports and their competitve positions in the PL. And
>also that Colgate is not in Worcester (as per my rant
>after attending our football game there- see that
>thread for details).
>I don't know whether HC swimming and its other minor
>sports will become more competitive in the PL nor do I
>know if HC will even succeed with this $85 million+
>stretch. Good luck to them; I suspect they will need
>Go 'gate!
As of June, they had raised over $52 Million towards this project, with another gift of $5 Million likely to have kicked in by this time. Looks like ground will be broken in the spring of 2016.
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