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Date Posted: 10/29/15 10:00:14am Thu
Author: Zappa
Subject: Re: Hockey update
In reply to: Puckman 's message, "Hockey update" on 10/25/15 10:42:20am Sun

>Raiders sweep two from RIT over weekend. Now 3-2 and
>looking at last year's national champion, Providence,
>and QU for next several games. These tests will give
>us a measure of where we are in the hockey world this

For the best hockey chat go to USCHO.com

then fan forumn then Colgate thread

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[> [> Re: Hockey update -- Skate, 10/29/15 12:27:28pm Thu

>>Raiders sweep two from RIT over weekend. Now 3-2 and
>>looking at last year's national champion, Providence,
>>and QU for next several games. These tests will give
>>us a measure of where we are in the hockey world this
>For the best hockey chat go to USCHO.com
>then fan forumn then Colgate thread

OK. Been there, done that. Going to one or both games this weekend?

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[> [> [> Providence wallops gate 7-2 -- Raider Archivist, 10/31/15 11:04:50am Sat

Donny V's comments in the article after the game:

"We were not very good tonight.
We've got to take a hard look at ourselves, get back to the drawing board and figure out what we're not doing because they just had their way with us tonight. It was really disappointing."

"Colgate Head Coach Don Vaughan
For complete interview, in audio link within the article:

>>>Raiders sweep two from RIT over weekend. Now 3-2 and
>>>looking at last year's national champion, Providence,
>>>and QU for next several games. These tests will give
>>>us a measure of where we are in the hockey world this
>>For the best hockey chat go to USCHO.com
>>then fan forumn then Colgate thread
>OK. Been there, done that. Going to one or both games
>this weekend?

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[> [> [> [> Re: Providence wallops gate 7-2 -- puckman, 11/ 1/15 12:10:29pm Sun

>Donny V's comments in the article after the game:
>"We were not very good tonight.
>We've got to take a hard look at ourselves, get back
>to the drawing board and figure out what we're not
>doing because they just had their way with us tonight.
>It was really disappointing."
>"Colgate Head Coach Don Vaughan
>For complete interview, in audio link within the
> >href="http://gocolgateraiders.com/news/2015/10/30/MHOCK
>>>>Raiders sweep two from RIT over weekend. Now 3-2 and
>>>>looking at last year's national champion,
>>>>and QU for next several games. These tests will give
>>>>us a measure of where we are in the hockey world
>>>For the best hockey chat go to USCHO.com
>>>then fan forumn then Colgate thread
>>OK. Been there, done that. Going to one or both games
>>this weekend?

A sweep by the Friars this weekend will only hurt us in the pair wise at the end of the season. Too bad we couldn't pull out last night's game. Boys played better but just enough lapses to let Providence win. Bummer!

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