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Date Posted: 11/ 2/15 12:40:05pm Mon
Author: Steve
Subject: Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross
In reply to: Gate Raider 's message, "Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross" on 11/ 2/15 12:08:00pm Mon

>So, if the reallocation is true, swimming suffered and
>volleyball gained for no valid reason other than what
>could be easily termed politics or very subjective at
>best. (A poor coach who is a good salesman gets the
>money and a good coach but poor salesman doesn't.)
>One team should not be rewarded at the expense of
>another. We're not dealing with a for profit scheme
>here. With that kind of thinking the field hockey team
>should be eliminated this afternoon and the expense
>allocated to other women's teams or a women's club
>sport should be elevated. I don't like the thought
>that money I contribute and designated for a specific
>sport is moved to another. Money is fungible, but
>there should be some accountability.

I think you are missing something: if one team is expected to do very well next year while another is struggling, and the former will not use its funding as a result of a schollie senior's imminent graduation, it would make sense to shift some funds to the latter team, all other things being equal and to the best of the Administrator knowledge and judgment at the time.

Money is fungible unless it is restricted as to purpose and in my example the money shift is from the non-restricted pot.

On another note, I don't know what is meant by field hockey is only there for Title IX. We have balance in our sports programs by design and many of our sports teams, FH included, have had big highs and bad lows. That's all.

Go 'gate!

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross -- Jesus Shuttleworth, 11/ 2/15 2:40:43pm Mon

>>So, if the reallocation is true, swimming suffered and
>>volleyball gained for no valid reason other than what
>>could be easily termed politics or very subjective at
>>best. (A poor coach who is a good salesman gets the
>>money and a good coach but poor salesman doesn't.)
>>One team should not be rewarded at the expense of
>>another. We're not dealing with a for profit scheme
>>here. With that kind of thinking the field hockey team
>>should be eliminated this afternoon and the expense
>>allocated to other women's teams or a women's club
>>sport should be elevated. I don't like the thought
>>that money I contribute and designated for a specific
>>sport is moved to another. Money is fungible, but
>>there should be some accountability.
>I think you are missing something: if one team is
>expected to do very well next year while another is
>struggling, and the former will not use its funding as
>a result of a schollie senior's imminent graduation,
>it would make sense to shift some funds to the latter
>team, all other things being equal and to the best of
>the Administrator knowledge and judgment at the time.
>Money is fungible unless it is restricted as to
>purpose and in my example the money shift is from the
>non-restricted pot.
>On another note, I don't know what is meant by field
>hockey is only there for Title IX. We have balance in
>our sports programs by design and many of our sports
>teams, FH included, have had big highs and bad lows.
>That's all.
>Go 'gate!

I can imagine these decisions are never easy to make, especially when you are dealing with the student athlete experience. Let's face the reality, Colgate doesn't have a ton of scholarships at their disposal. They need to operate strategically and try to put each program in the best possible position to be successful.

This would be a totally different conversation if the above information wasn't true. I don't think it is fair to place the blame on one program gaining support and putting another at a disadvantage, it is not the coaches fault.

Maybe athletics finds it'self in a catch 22, unlike the corporate world, with blogs, message boards, social media it is hard to make decisions that will appease the masses.

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