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Date Posted: 11/ 2/15 9:52:01pm Mon
Author: Gate Raider
Subject: Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross
In reply to: Maven 's message, "Re: Swimming and diving wins over Holy Cross" on 11/ 2/15 12:20:59pm Mon

The idea that a scholarship can be moved from one sport to another every year or two is simply ridiculous at best. Such a practice would not allow for continuity in recruiting or level of performance and would be a nightmare for a coach. If that is what is happening, the AD needs a wake up call. Imagine it. The W BB team excels for two years, but the W SB team badly performs. The solution would be take a scholarship from WBB and give it SB. Yeah right, good idea. Want to do the same with the football team or how 'bout M hockey. The swim coach is an endowed position. Heck of a way to thank a the contributor by downgrading the program. Title nine issues could be solved by raising W rugby and lowering FH. BTW - Holy Cross's field hockey team beat Dartmouth last week and HC is about as bad as they get in non-revenue sports. Steve, check out the FH teams record. It has never had a big high. An objective review of the program would conclude a new coach is needed. A question- is there somewhere you can go to find how many scholarships are given to each sport at Colgate?

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