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Date Posted: 02:51:44 07/31/12 Tue
Author: Wed18/5/2011 Friday June 1st 2012--week 31 Cal admin
Subject: Gambling Awareness Week during the Geelong and Collingwood match at the MCG on 18 May 2012

Responsible Gambling Awareness Week 2012 to Focus on Young People
11 May 2012

This year’s campaign focuses on at-risk groups and help services for problem gamblers and their families. As a means of prevention and early intervention, young people are a particular focus of this year.

An important feature of the week will be a youth forum held in Melbourne for Year 11 and 12 students. The forum will inform and educate students on the issues and risks associated with gambling, provide a voice for young people on this social issue and inform future community education initiatives.

Current international and Australian research shows higher rates for at-risk gambling among young people, and an increase in the popularity of poker, sports betting and online gambling within this group.

Another major event is the promotion of the Responsible Gambling Awareness Week during the Geelong and Collingwood match at the MCG on 18 May 2012.

A team of youth ambassadors will help promote the key themes of the week ‘Knowledge, Balance and Control’, including:

Geelong Football Club star Harry Taylor
Melbourne Victory Captain, Adrian Leijer
Indigenous representative Chantelle McGuinness
2012 Youth Governor of Victoria, Veronika Drago
2010 Young Victorian of the Year, Wesa Chau.
Watch the "Know the odds" video or download the infographics and other resources from the Gamble Aware website.

Visit the Responsible Gambling Awareness Week - What's on section for full events details.

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