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The start of the year is back on the tumbler Alisons birthday Sunday January 1st 2012 as at Friday 27/7/2012==June 29th 2012--Financial 185 =========== Qantas has only recently made a severe low High Thursday November 1st 2007==605 =###Price Collapse Enviroment day Tuesday June 5th re T Abbot 4/11/1957### issue 411 all time low World Ocean Day Friday June 8th### 96c### 2012 Bonny Tylers birthday who sings Total Eclipse of the Heart born Wales 1952========== ###Pioneers day Utah return Earth 1969 man on moonTuesday 24/7/2012--98.5=###=Wednesday 25/7/2012==98.5c (double bottom)### ============ Facebook is being advertised on stoicknessmonster and on Yahoo it floated on Alisons birthday Ive been told to stay away from it by Tiffany Promise me you wont go near it Steve. ============= Herald Sun Friday 27/7/2012 Cmon Aussie Cmon ============= Herald Sun Saturday 28/7/2012 Go For Gold. ============= Re Olympics Games London Special==issue 411 ============= A New edition has been launched on it too Friday 27/7/2012 it has the Dalai Llama on it Helen Razers birthday 6/7/2012 Shes a Goddess ============== The theme of the magazine is homeless poor people ============== Wherever I lay my hat thats my home==1.20am MLB Saturday 28/7/2012 ============= Alison picked Missy Higgins 19/8/1983 in 2009 Unlucky 13 magazine edition 331 16/6/2009 to 29/6/2009 New song a smooth discovery Everyones Waiting. ============ Kelly Clarkson because of you I never stary to far from the sidewalk Alisons birthday is walk safely to school day. it fell on a Friday 2012. =========== Kelly Clarkson is visiting MLB on Monday October 1st 2012 international older persons day the current theme on Westpac ATMS.50+ =========== Kelly Brianne Clarkson (born April 24, 1982 Big Issue facebook Warren Catherine "Kate" Bush (born 30 July 1958)[1]==expire edition 411 =========== Alison started work for Big Issue Friday 25/3/2011 she returned gave me a pair of Sunglasses on Sunday March 25th 2012 my most treasured possesion on Elton John s Birthday. I gues thats why they call it the blues. ============ Sir Elton Hercules John, CBE (born Reginald Kenneth Dwight on 25 March 1947) ============ The last song the Beatles ever released as a group Let it be and it came out on my birthday May 8th 1970 my birthday was recently featured in two editions SCreem and Sir David Attebourough born 1926. ==============### 27x 6 Thursday 16/2/2012 Qantas Half yearly profit report down a whopping 83% at 42M ###============== BOy George Do you really want to Hurt me played at open on day of Half yearly report. Thursday 30/6/2011 to Saturday 31/12/2011 ============= At Big Issue they use INTERJECTIONS CALLED--WHAT!!!!!--Wednesday 27/6/2012. when someone tells them their birthday. ============================================= 78 days Tuesday May 8th 2012==to Tuesday July 24th 2012==Z=98.5=79 days Tuesday May 8th 2012==Wednesday July 25th 2012===A==98.5 ============================================ Im a Beggar ============================================ Moniques birthday Friday 20/1/2012 played a crucial partin in the trend. Same Birthday as Buzz Aldrin re Buzzing with excitement Smooth FM Over Ban Date George Michael born 25/6/1963==a Monday 2012. =========================================== On Calendar admin day Tuesday 31/7/2012. Effective date for the 14th Dalai Lama 6/7 birthday. ============================================== The calendar has returned to Letters F E C== =========================================== the lowest prioe ever recorded Qantas Friday June 8th 2012 founding of MLB 1835 World Ocean day==96c Muhammad the Prophets Birthday Ramadan from Friday July 20th on at moment.

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