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Date Posted: 17:15:54 06/13/17 Tue
Author: Knuit Holt
Subject: CURE edema, hemorrhoids, hypothyroidism, UTI, heart problems, ADHD, PMS, prostata, asthma, and more

To read about how to prevent prostate conjetion or blue balls, and cystoscopies performed on boys, please scroll down.


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How to Prevent and Treat Blue Balls or Congested Prostate

By Knut Holt


By vascocongestion (blue balls) the testicles and the scrotum are typically swollen and tender. The prostate region can also be swollen, have cramps and be aching. The scrotum can also get a darker color. The symptoms usually go away by themselves after some time, typically after an hour, but it can persist or occur frequently.

The condition can occur in any age, but most often in boys during puberty and in young men, when the genital region is more active than in other ages. It is often seen in teenage boys that for some reason do not have the opportunity to get an orgasm and ejaculation in several days. Blue balls seems to be a frequent issue in some communities around the world or in certain ambients like boarding schools for boys, but in other communities it seems not to be any issue at all. In UK and North America the condition seems to be a frequent issue, but it is seldom heard of in for example Scandinavia.

The cause of the condition is often a prolonged sexual arousal with an engorged penis and perineal region without orgasm and ejaculation. During sexual arousal veins leading blood from the genital and perineal area constrict, so that blood and lymph accumulates. By this condition the constriction of the veins does not go back but develop into prolonged cramps. Then excessive amount of blood and lymph will accumulate and stay. The blood will also loose oxygen so that it gets a bluish color.

The accumulation of lymph and blood then squeezes the tube that leads from each testicle, through the prostate and into the urethra, the Vas deferens, and clogs it. Then secretions made by the testicles and the prostate will also accumulate and increase the pressure even more. At some points the condition leads to accute symptoms. After some time the cramps and symptoms will usually cease. Clogged vas deference or prostate can be prevented by having regular orgasms, either by sex or regular masturbation. One can also prevent blue balls by massage of the region between the legs, the testicles and the penis. This can be done by hands or by using a vibrator. Masturbation or massage of this region is also a good cure for the condition in its acute stage.

Ordinarily blue balls or related conditions are not dangerous. Sometimes it is however impossible to get an erect penis go down again even after several hours. By this condition, called priapism, where the blood vessels in the penis are clogged by permanent cramps or other causes, the inner tissue of the penis can be destroyed if it is not treated emergently. By the treatment one usually empties the stuffed blood from the penis by a small cut.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.


Free to copy with the author's name and link

Source: http://www.eioba.com/a/4656/how-to-prevent-and-treat-blue-balls-or-congested-prostate


Cystoscopy and colonoscopy at school, boy, 13yo, USA, Boston

I am male. The exam took place in mid North America, Boston, when I was 13 years old, Year 2011.

Had cystoscopy in the doctor's or nurse's office at school. Parents said something like: The doctor shall look at you down in your stomach.

Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Got pain-killing gas through a mask that made me calm and sleepy.

The scope or a new intrument was inserted even further up towards the kindeys. They also inspected the whole colon - full colonoscopy.

Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam. Had to have catheter in the bladder during night.

All prepuberty boys in my area has a mandatory cystoscopy. It was painful.

This boy underwent a full endoscopic inspection of his urinary system up into his kidneys and a full endoscopic inspection of his anal area, rectum and colon. It was not asked about it in the poll, but probably he also underwent a full exam of his genitals and pelcic area and stomach with ultrasound equipment and taking of specimens of microbes and secretions.

These full pelvic exams with often similar inspections of other body areas seems to follow a standard procedure. In certain districts in some areas round the world these seem to be mandatory for children and teens at certain ages, of which the age level 12-13-14 seem to be the commonest. Some of these districts only do it for boys, while others for both boys and girls. Those doing it only for boys seem mainly to be in USA and Canada. The district in Boston where this boy went to school seem to be one of these.

The purpose of these mandatory exams seem mainly to get a view of the development status of the kid, detecting development abnormalities, investigating signs of sexual activities or sexual abuse, education of new doctors in doing endoscopic exams, and for scientific research.


MALE, 19YO and later 60-69YO, NORTH AMERICA, YEARS 1960-1969 AND 2006

I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America. Massachusetts. I had on exam when I was 19 years old and another when I was 60 - 69 years old. Years 1960-1969 and Year 2006. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital and also in a health centre. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason.

For the 1st exam -- driven to exam (rigid scope) at hospital by parent For the 2nd exam -- drove myself to clinic (flexible scope) by myself.

Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.

Probably about 1. exam - Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Got a a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Was put totallly to sleep. Fell totally in sleep after the medication.

Probably about 2. exam - Had to walk by myself to the exam.God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Got a shot to calm down and make sleepy.

Exam prosedure:
Was totally naked during exam.

Probably 1. exam- Lay on back with legs in stirrups. They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. Had to stay in bed some hours after the exam. They pumped upp the bladder with air or gas when looking inside.

Probably about 2. exam -I lay on my back with streight legs. They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

Diagnosis and treatment:
No special more arrangements. Got mediaction for infection.

Reasons for the exam:
1) possible cancer - not found 2) blood in urine - no problem found

Judgement: Probably about 2. exam: It was useful.

Probably about 1. exam: It was unneccessary. It was painful. It was humiliating or awful.

These experiences tell that young people are often put totally to sleep for these exams, actually first and foremost to hide details for them. Yet the ordeal feels awful, probably because the side effect of the anesthesia gives greater discomfort than the procedure itself would have given with only local anesthesia, and probably because the general anesthesia is in itself as humiliating as any intimate procedure.

The second experience tell that the cystoscopy procedure without general anesthesia feels les humiliating or discomforting that the procedure done under general anesthesia.

BOY, 20YO, India, YEAR 2010 - cystoscopy for urination problems

I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in Asia, India, 20 years old, Year 2010. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.

Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. By nurse with towel. Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. Lay on back with legs in stirrups.

Exam procedure:
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

I am not sure, but had pain on the sides of my back as if they inserted the scope even further up towards the kindeys. They inspected anus with a scope. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam.

Folloe up:
Got mediaction for infection.

Reason for the procedureand judgement:
The reason was problems with urination. It was unneccessary. It was painful.

This was probably a full pelvic examination through both the pelvic openings and also an inspection all the ways up to the kidneys.

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