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Subject: Wing Tanks | |
Author: Bob P |
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Date Posted: Fri, Jan 31 2014, 0:54:56 GMT In reply to: Dave Piercy 's message, "Wing Tanks" on Thu, Jan 30 2014, 10:53:59 GMT I suspect that the life expectancy of (any) epoxy fuel tank will vary according to the type of fuel stored in it and how long the fuel is kept in the tank. From what I read higher octane lead free fuels that use octane boosting additives tend to be more aggressive than fuels where the octane rating is increased by the refining process. I think leaded Avgas may be more tank friendly but leaded fuel is bad news in Rotax engines. Most UK mogas now contains ethanol which is really bad news for fibre glass tanks and can't help the life expectancy of tank sealants (Kreem or whatever). So even tanks that have been fine for years might start to fail if they are exposed to ethanol - it only needs the tank wash to fail in a small area for a problem to develop. For what its worth, I've taken to running my MK1 Pulsar (fuselage tank 582 engine)on BP Ultimate. Not cheap (but cheaper than UL 91 fuel), its octane is boosted by refining rather than additives, and (so far) it is still ethanol free. I also drain the tank (I've fitted a drain valve for the purpose) if when the plane is likely to be grounded for more than a couple of weeks. Bob P [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Wing Tanks | Dave Piercy | Fri, Jan 31 2014, 10:59:22 GMT |