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Subject: Urgent Dilemma: White Nationalism Vs. NWO

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Date Posted: 20:19:06 02/08/13 Fri

A serious issue must be addressed.
We are all engaged in struggle for European survival.
Many of us are normal, average citizens.
We've only recently begun to realize that Zionists waged a secret war against us.

our efforts to correct these injustices have been called "White Nationalism".

This harsh title must be phased out.
There's NO WAY POSSIBLE our movement will gain mainstream appeal, unless different terminology is used.

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Let's make a comparison between this and other popular names.

example 1:
Communists have been planning to dissolve personal freedom.
They will destroy all cultures, erase all identities, and implement a disparate world of subservient drones.
Your fate will be completely governed by a panel of ministers.
- And this has been so-titled "The New World Order".
Surely, you can do better than that!!!!
The term NWO almost sound like a wonderful thing.
After all; everybody needs a new plan of orderly conduct.

But, as I've already stated;
the so-called "New World Order" aims to completely destroy all European cultures along with ethnic identities.
(Notice: I'm fully aware of the eventual consequences which will affect all persons on earth. But, the genocide waged against Europe is Stage 1 of the plan)

Meanwhile, those who attempt to Stop the genocide are given the title "White Nationalists".
This title MUST be changed.
We can substitute this namesake with alternative choices:

-The European Liberation movement.
-European Liberation.
-European Civil Rights
-The Human Rights Movement for Europeans.
-Anti-Globalism Movement
-Save Europe.
-The movement to save Europe from Genocide.
-The White Genocide Project.
-United Against a New World Order.
or, choose a simple title, such as
Stop White Genocide.

Please, rid ourselves of the term "White Nationalism".
Otherwise, Our movement will never gain public support.

I must confess that "Life is not fair".
And, I can assure you that Zionist will try to compromise our movement.
Their weapon of mass destruction is to accuse White People of being "racist".
It sounds rather silly.
And surely, these tactics would never work in a dangerous country.
If terrorists ever aimed a gun against your head,
it wouldn't make a difference how you rationalized with them.

Now, let's examine the term "White Nationalist".
People will associate this with Nazi ideas.
Even though, there's really no similarity whatsoever.

This term also has militant undertones.
Please remember, most people are not highly educated.
And, they've been indoctrinated to associate words with equivalent meanings.

It's interesting to note:
Zionists & 'PC' forces condone nationalistic pride for various ethnic groups.

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[> Subject: Urgent Dilemma: Accusations.

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Date Posted: 19:15:26 02/11/13 Mon

As I've clearly explained in the previous article,
namesakes are often misleading.

Point 1:
I am currently involved in a movement to save Western Culture.
But unfortunately, we are perceived as a militant gang of supremacists.
The media perpetuates these myths.
The term "White Supremacy is repeated again and again.
(Just as similar anti-male rhetoric persisted for decades).
It's difficult to challenge the mainstream media.
As a Men's Activist,
I'm all to aware of the media's role in shaping public opinion.
Women's Magazines & Talk Shows literally pushed male perspective into oblivion.
Yet, any time Men attempted to protest, we were labeled as "sexist".
We often got accused of silencing the female perspective.
Even though, the entire media revolved around her viewpoint.

Now, the same thing is happening over again.
Europeans are labeled as "intolerant of others".
Along with our supposed unwillingness to accept changes.
It's ironic that Europeans/white people are vastly more modern than any other group.

So, why does the media perpetuate these myths?
Here's a simple answer: PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.

The latest example:
Have you heard the expression from Newsweek magazine?
"You're Old. You're White. You're history!".

Aside from that:
Our Racist, sexist media consistently targets the same groups.
They are ruthless, merciless, and you become fair game.


In short:
The Mainstream Media wages a smear campaign against us, but making accusations and resorting to childlike name-calling.

This is why terms such as "White Supremacy" are flooded into the mainstream media.
It's a form of psychological warfare.

Ironically, these tactics only work against an enlightened population.
If you were captured by a gang of Radical Islamists; name calling wouldn't deter them.
if you wanted to transform China into a multicultural society; it wouldn't do any good to simply call them "racists" or "supremacists".

Yet sadly, these methods work perfectly against Western nations. You can just call us "racist" or "sexist".
I laugh at the 2nd remark:
......calling European Culture "Sexist"??

please be warned that White people are burdened with a huge disadvantage.
Only we have fallen prey to "CRITICAL THEORY".
NO other group faces this type of propaganda.
But Ironically, such tactics wouldn't even work on them anyhow.

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[> Subject: Urgent Dilemma: False idenities

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Date Posted: 19:56:45 02/11/13 Mon


As I stated in the previous article,
only white men get accused of being "racist" or "sexist".

These are clearly examples of Psychological Warfare.

(Interestingly, when I was a "Men's Rights Activist";
This was commonplace.
Only women were given liberty to speak.
Yet men were still labeled as "Chauvinist Pigs; Unwilling to accept assertive behavior from women")
SO, these techniques have already been proven effective.

Nowadays, some methods have changed.....
Many of our opponents are using fake 'User Accounts' on forums & social networks to discredit our movement.

So, for example:
You might read disgusting comments from alleged "White Nationalist".
Perhaps, he's calling for "the extermination of all Niggers".
or, he's praising Adolf Hitler and The Holocaust.

Take notice that virtually all these remarks are being made by ZIONIST using fictitious accounts.

I've come across dozens of pro-Nazi Youtube channels which were actually created by Jews.
So obviously, they're attempting to associate our movement with bad stigmas.

During one week alone, I called out 3 Zionists who had created fake Nazi channels.
These guys never quit trying!!!

I could give a brief summary of my personal experiences.
I'd like to give a general idea of how extensive the problem is:
MOST Nazi/ Hitler accounts on Youtube are actually Zionists attempting to discredit our movement.

MOST "Black Supremacist" channels are really a bunch of Zionist Jews. Basically, they're trying to create racial conflict and hatred.
Zionists often make genocidal remarks against Europeans.
But rarely are they posting under their Jewish Identity.
Instead, they pretend to be various peoples
(such as Hindi, or African Americans).
So, whenever these hurtful comments are read,
....the blame will inevitably be placed upon someone else.
********STOP AND THINK ABOUT THAT**********.

In my photograph collection, I demonstrated this point.
Here's just one quick example:
On Youtube, there was a Jew pretending he was black.
And, amongst all the horrible comments he made;
he once openly wished for the genocide of European peoples.
Other Youtubers believe this guy is black.
So, of course, black men are taking full blame for these comments.

It's just plain dishonest using these clever techniques.
Yet only Jews are guilty of this.

Let's save the best for last:

In my experiences on youtube,
ALL MUSLIM TERRORISTS whom I encountered were actually Zionist Jews.

Not some,
not most.

These Zionist surely get around, don't they?
They've got an entire network of bogus accounts.
Probably more than you'd think possible.

SO, be warned.
We are dealing with a sneaky & underhanded group.
Shouldn't this be considered an act of warfare on their part?

If Zionist Jews perpetually create false accounts,
doesn't this constitute a planned effort to promote racial conflict?
Why else would Jews pose as Neo Nazis, Black Panthers, and Muslim Terrorists?
Are they doing this just for fun?
Obviously, they're trying to advocate hatred & hostility among various ethnic groups.

And, in the process, they're also creating stigmas to discredit our movement.
And sadly, it works !!!

IF the mainstream media keeps repeating the term "Neo-Nazi" over-and-over again; it begins to stick...
...especially with younger viewers.
Every child has been thoroughly taught to associate Europeans with everything negative.

And, we're also taught "tolerance" of others.
This is our classroom text.
(decades before,
I dealt with identical rhetoric from radical feminist literature)
These methods have already been proven effective.
This is Critical Theory.

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