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Subject: Advice for White People

Dr. Shn
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Date Posted: 08:41:44 02/20/13 Wed

Here's important advice which every Westernite should adhere to.
1) 1st, we must expand our self-definition beyond the current terminology.
(It's too simple to call us "white".
Using the term "Europeans" also has limitations.
Plus, the title "Aryan" is not appropriate either due to false connotations.)
We needn't be limited to anything specific.
Various titles can be used.
2) Our movement must be presented in a manner which appeals to the masses.
Therefore, the term "White Nationalist" is certainly not helpful to our cause.
We are merely trying to prevent Global forces from destroying national identities.
We are preservationists. This is an anti-genocide movement.
3)Please recognize the fact that 'someone' is fighting a secret war against us.
Too many people merely notice the effects without delving further into the issue.
For example:
I became outspoken against massive immigration mainly because the sheer numbers had risen exponentially.
Meanwhile, few of the immigrants are assimilating.
Nor do they identify with their country of settlement.
....Not realizing that it was a deliberate act meant to weaken our culture.
In 2013, I was speaking with a man from Finland.
And he was very concerned because a few hundred Africans migrated into his community.
(even though his town already has high unemployment).
Once again, although the Finnish man recognizes a serious crisis looming,
he has NO IDEA that it's being planned on a wide-scale by Zionists.
4) Therefore, we cannot possibly 'wish for' the problem to disappear.
Action must be taken.
IF you decide to sit around and 'do nothing'; Zionists WILL destroy you.
The ONLY way to stop them is by getting involved.
5) The public must stay informed.
In my observances; few people are even aware.
I could speak to any random crowd; and my viewpoint would not be understood.
They don't know anything about The Frankfurt School, or Critical Theory.
They don't realize that Western Civilization is deliberately under attack.
(oddly, most acquaintances have noticed a general insensitivity by mainstream Journalism against men, as well as White Folks.

(On a personal level:
I've attempted to reach closest friends.
And quickly identified as a nutty "conspiracy theorist".
Even though they unanimously agree That white people are under constant attack from The Media.
Yet despite this,
even the most observant fail to recognize the sheer depth of it all.

In short:
Everything witnessed today has been carefully planned.
for example:
If you're a native to Holland;
you'd probably noticed a huge influx of Muslim immigrants.
But this didn't randomly happen.
Zionist have been planning this for eons.
If your Swedish;
you might notice a growing role played by government in shaping your attitudes toward racial tolerance.
In other words; they're teaching you how to behave.
There's a similar situation for Norwegians.
Their local newspapers are suddenly teaching "tolerance" toward the Islam faith.
Why would mainstream journalists suddenly have this agenda?
Perhaps, The signs of Totalitarianism are beginning to show.
For the native British; they woke up one morning;
...only to learn their government passed a law declaring
They also began hearing rumors of government officials making a "list" of potentially racist babies.
How is this possible?
The native French have experienced "Forced Diversity". They also became alarmed when,
then president Nicolas Sarkozy called for forced breeding with other ethnic groups.
Longstanding Irish citizens have become very concerned
because they're being swamped with 3rd World immigration.
In the USA & Canada;
our schools have become overrun with Politically correct dogma.
Even preschool curriculum attempts to indoctrinate our children.

....the list goes on and on.....

Please realize that everything has been planned all along.

you can't stop it just by "wishing for things to get better".

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[> Subject: Real Advice #6: Racial Mixing

Dr. Shn
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Date Posted: 17:15:27 03/10/13 Sun

6) Don't marry or date someone outside of your race.
I realize, this is a controversial issue.
But you must realize:
Zionists are attempting to erase your ethnic identity.
And, they've been using media propaganda to desensitize public attitude.
In other words: They're indoctrinating your children into believing that "race is merely a social construct".

Now, realistically speaking:
There is no shortage whatsoever of partners to choose within your ethnic group.

This might seem offensive. But, why should it be?
Although there's nothing terrible about "mixed marriages"; it was more gradual just a few decades ago.
Now, it's more important than ever to become racially conscious.

You've been warned beforehand:
There's an organized effort by Zionists to genetically destroy Westerners.

In short:
They're trying to devolve humanity until all future generations possesses the same skin texture, eye color, and hair color.

These societies already exist throughout many regions in the world.

Please read the following disclaimer to anyone with biracial ancestry:
Supposing you're the son or daughter of a mixed couple;
IN NO WAY am I suggesting that your life should be ruined.
Nor should you feel any shame.
In other words: It's no big deal.
It's not the end-of-the-world.

This article merely pertains the current systematic attempt to ethnically cleanse Europeans.

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[> Subject: Real Advice #7 :Teach your children

Dr. Shn
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Date Posted: 18:06:18 03/10/13 Sun

I cannot emphasize enough; the importance of passing awareness to younger generations.

Don't allow Zionists to indoctrinate your kids.

They're fully aware that Children are highly impressionable.
This explains why they seek to control populations, from early development.

here's an excellent example:
According to Jewish logic;
The Irish should accept massive immigration.
But, if there's any public outcry;
Zionists can simply wait Eons until this threat passes onto death.
Future generations of Irish kids will already grow up in a nation amidst a classroom of multiculturalism.
if young Irish pupils were already born been reduced to a mere 5% of Ireland's population;
Irish kids will already gotten used to the idea.
(That's scary. Huh?)

This is precisely what Zionists are planning upon.

The same argument holds true with racial mixing.
It's no coincidence that Jews created a Hispanic majority in USA.
The reason is because (mainly speaking);
Latinos don't belong to any racial group.
So, they match the Zionist vision of a future World Order.
Also, are much less conscious of interracial dating.
Especially if they share the same Country of Origin.
(Ironically; Hispanics are a fiercely Nationalistic people).

But, even if White People choose not to marry outside their race;
the other ethnic groups will eventually increase their biracial numbers nonetheless.
This is exactly what the Zionists planned upon.
They realize that, in the future; they'll be few options remaining.
Luckily; these people will be absorbed into the greater Caucasian race.

I would like to give ACTUAL examples to demonstrate my point.

1) Bob from Danbury, Connecticut is currently dating a Hispanic immigrant.
(Let's add: His girlfriend has an extremely ethnic physical appearance.)
I spoke with Bob.
And, in his exact words,
"I'd rather date someone who's MORE LIKE ME."
"But, there's no one to choose from".
In other words:
He'd rather marry a white girl; but his community is overrun with Hispanic immigrants.

Here's anther example:
Michael from White Plains, New York; has just begun dating a Mexican woman.
And, his explanation was identical to Bob's.
"there's just nobody else to choose from, anymore".

Please note:
Both Michael and Bob were very clear in stating that, there's nothing wrong with being Hispanic. And, the girlfriends are nice ladies. But, they'd just prefer to be with a white lady.
However, this indicates why Zionists push for massive 3rd World Immigration.
They realize; it forces mixing & mingling.
(By Coincidence; Zionists propelled the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade for the exact same reason).
(They expected to create an entire subservient underclass.
and surely, any Jew living in the 17th Century would be utterly surprised to see ANY White people remaining in the 21st Century. They truly believed that millions of slaves would effectively breed the entire European settlements out-of-existence.)

This proposes a serious question:
WHY AREN'T Jews worried about forced assimilation with Immigrants?
The answer is simple:
They're presumably more RACIST than any other group.
So, Jewish supremacists expect to continue mingling with each other.
Ironically, this defies their entire pretense of Multiculturalism.
They've so-claimed to Combat against racism.
Yet, they anticipate being too racist to allow intermarriages between Jews & Gentile immigrants.

(That's another example of Twisted Jewish Logic).

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[> Subject: # 8 Lasting Impressions

Dr. Shn
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Date Posted: 18:28:25 03/10/13 Sun

I spend much time attempting to educate the public.

It's a daunting task making them aware.
But, even if this is achieved;
it must be MAINTAINED.

We can't let the knowledge slip away, with the coming generation.

So, talk to your family.
Let them know exactly what's going on:

--Our people are being targeted for forced diversity.
This policy does not effect any other region on earth.

--Only Western Society takes blame for historical wrongdoing.

-- We alone are portrayed negatively in Media,
College Campus, & Text Books.
No other group faces this type of persecution.

--Only White People are the victims of Critical Theory.

--There's an organized effort by Globalists to destroy all European nations.
They are not launching this war upon any other region.
(Although, this will certainly change someday).

Speak frankly with them.
(It's almost similar to talking with your child about sex).


next paragraph: encouragement

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[> Subject: #9: Encouragement

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Date Posted: 09:59:06 03/19/13 Tue

When preparing for crisis;
there's already much emphasis placed upon strength & Organization.

But, if order to succeed,
we must also have a positive attitude of ourselves.

many 'white people' have been brainwashed to be self-hating idiots.
They try to distance themselves from their own culture & identity.
This obviously derives from constant brainwashing from the media.

However, there are ways to combat this, without relying upon cooperation from Journalists.

The solution is simple: simply, Learn the Truth.

Currently, many white people are "self-hating" because they've been taught that their ancestors are responsible for all evils throughout history.

Let's revise that false information.

For example:
Slavery is an ancient institution, practiced by different cultures worldwide.
It was not invented by Europeans. Even if you examine the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade; there are obvious discrepancies.
We've been told "those horrible Europeans brought slaves to the New World". But, if you stop and think about it: bringing millions of slaves to America was against our best interest. Anybody with a basic 3rd Grade Education would realize that hoards of slaves threatened to overthrow & destroy European settlers. Therefore, there must've been another unseen force behind it. Indeed; we've finally learned that The Trans-Atlantic Slave trade was dominated by Zionists. Back in the 17th Century, They must have already planned to create an African majority in the New World.
We've also finally learned that Muslims, Turks, & Arabs enslaved Africans for nearly 3 times longer than Europe. But, they wouldn't allow their slaves to breed. This information was kept secret until recently (Perhaps 2010 or 2011).
But, it's nice to know these things.
The success of our movement depends upon boosting self-esteem.

The same rule applies to countless similar issues.
Europeans are taught that only their people waged conquest & Warfare.
This is a leading argument by those who wish to destroy us.
For Example:
We've been taught about The White Man's crimes against Native Americans. But, few people realize how common this is, throughout the world. Countless nations have a ruling class who replaced a previous group.
If you pick any nation; chances are they're comprised of a few different ethnic groups. And, the oldest inhabitants have no political power.
Such examples include: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, & The Philippines. ...just to name a few. In many cases; the ethnic groups are somewhat similar. But, in many instances; such as India, Japan, & The Philippines; those ruling classes belong to a completely different race. (eg: Asians replacing Aboriginals & Negratos).

So, why aren't we aware of this?
The reason is because Globalists only want to shame Europeans into submission.

We've also learned that American Indians were also guilty of murder & genocide.
Zionists tried to censor the truth about Kennewick Man, & Ice Age Columbus. Thousands of years ago, ancient European settled into The Americas. But they were eventually exterminated by American Indians. There's also evidence of this happening in ancient South America as well.
It's even rumored this persisted into the 11th Century AD (When the Anasazi were destroyed).
Nonetheless, Indian tribes have also waged warfare against each other, as well.
Also, empires were built by The Aztec, Maya and Inca. They began expanding outward, just like any conquerors.

Zionists are trying to create a Hispanic Power Structure in USA, using the dogma that "we took the land from the Indians".
Ironically, Hispanics were the worst culprits or systematically replacing indigenous peoples.

This information all seems irrelevant.
But, Zionist Jews are trying to demoralize us.
And, their weapon is teaching "self-hatred" amongst the white population.

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[> Subject: #10: COnception & Fertility.

dr Conception.
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Date Posted: 10:47:59 03/19/13 Tue

We could continue listing material for the advanced reader.

But, it's important to focus upon basic issues.

Here are a few:

A) It's wise to plan upon marrying & settling down at an early age. The media has taught us to wait until "after age40" before meeting a partner. This information is totally false.

B) Get the facts about female fertility. Women have been taught to postpone having children. This too is misleading information. Some magazines have even claimed that "women reach their peak at age 50". "Women Over 50, and loving it!!!".
You've been lied to. The Media's real goal is sinister: They're trying to prevent you from starting a family. This is why they spread false information.

C) Many women are brainwashed into believing {there's no differences between the genders}. But, in truth; women DO have a biological time clock. Whereas, men do not. This should seem obvious to all. But women nowadays have been brainwashed into believing otherwise.

D) (Beyond the points raised in C) We must dispel the "Menopause Myth". Once women have finally realized their limitations, they're still tricked into believing they can remain fertile until they reach menopause.
In truth, her fertility rate drops exponentially long before Menopause. It's even suggested, this drop begins earlier than previously thought. Not age 45; Not age 40; or even during her late 30's. But, as young as 35; her chances of getting pregnant drops several times.
Ladies!! You never learned any of this, in those Women's Magazines or Talk Shows. Did you?
Instead, they lead you to believe that you can wait until your mid-40's before starting a family. So long as you haven't reached menopause. It's a lie.

E) Normal Fertility issues: Most women believe that it's easy to conceive a child. So, if she decides to have a child, The woman assumes; She may then bear additional children whenever desired. This is another LIE.
IN truth, women naturally require a long time to become pregnant.
We were taught that it's easy to have a baby. She can simply stop taking "the pill". And, after having sex with her partner; a baby magically appears 9 months later. Even for a healthy woman, she can expect to try for several months before getting pregnant. And, it's perfectly normal to wait months & months before conceiving.

IF a woman becomes pregnant within 2 full years, it's considered a SUCCESS. SO, don't assume that you can get pregnant any time desired because it's NOT that easy.

I needn't even tell you that a woman's body allows only 48 hours of potential conception each month. So, if you're planning on having a child; you must try roughly at the midway point between menstruation. Unlike a man who can impregnate his partner any time of month; A Woman's window-of-opportunity is limited to a few days during each cycle. Please read Medical Journals for further information.

F) If you've been married for a short time, it's wise to consider planning a family. Don't wait until you gain financial security. Many European couples fear they might not be able to feed their children. Or, other unexpected hardships. Please be realistic. Those potential risks are unlikely to occur. So, DON'T be afraid to have kids. Don't worry about the World's Problems. There's an old motto: "Screw the world. Save Yourself". Amazingly, white people have been brainwashed into believing they should limit their births in order to lower "world populations". ONCE AGAIN: YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO by the Zionist media.

G) Just remember: It's easy to raise children. The media has taught us that it's very expensive. But that's not true. Right now: IF your partner had a child; it would not affect your Electricity or Fuel Bills. Nor would it have a noticeable affect on your other expenses.
But, of course, you've been told by Magazines & Newspapers that it costs "One Million Dollars" to bring a child into this world.
But, those same Journalists are WAGING WAR AGAINST US.

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