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Date Posted: 15:31:25 07/07/03 Mon
Author: Solemn Promise
Subject: ((I'll never break my promise)

accursed: Solemn Promise
a.k.a.: ‘promise’
gender: femininity
epoch: one cycle o’ the four seasons
breed: andulusion
coloration: dappled gray
dam: Kodak Moment, ‘kodack’
sire: Natural Instinct
contact: katelyn

personality: Stubborn to the point of it being a fault. Determined, when she sets her mind to something, there’s no stopping her. Despite what she’s seen, and been exposed to, she’s somehow managed to retain her innocence. She thinks that the world’s a ‘perfect place,’ and that everyone’s her friend. Which isn’t the case. She loves adventure, and is rather rambunctious. This she might grow out of, but likely not. However, she tends to be good at amusing herself. And doesn’t need the companionship of others. Although she craves it. She acts like a smart aleck sometimes, actually a lot of the time. And always has an opinion to voice, which she does. She comes across as being, for the most part, sweet. But like all foals, or at least the majority of them, she has been known to get into trouble from time to time. She’s courageous, and values her family and friends above any worldly possession. Even at this age. She would sacrifice everything, including her life, for the safety of a loved one. But she doesn’t like to act the part. In other words, she’ll play the part of the hero but won’t take credit for it. She tries to solve everyone’s problems, and often takes too much upon herself. When a conflict arises, she’s usually the peacemaker. And although she might not succeed, she always tries. Her best. She has a very philosophical mind, but doesn’t show. Perhaps because of her ‘youthfulness’. When she’s older, she will be renowned for her wisdom. But at the moment, she’s having as much fun as she can. She’s not perfect. In fact, she’s full of faults. She’s no different than anyone else, just another face in the crowd.

historical archives: Her father was the King’s right-hand, a brilliant commander and warrior. And strategist. He fell in love with the King’s youngest daughter, her mother. When her old homeland was invaded, her father defended it for all he was worth. He managed to survive, but suffered the consequences. He’d never walk properly again. In return for his bravery, the King gave him his permission to ‘marry’ his daughter. Which he did, gratefully. It was true love. Not long after their union, she was born. Their only foal. She never got a chance to meet her father. Let alone get to know him. Or her mother, for that matter. Treason. Betrayal. Her father was framed by one of his enemies, and he had made many along the way. When the King died, it was believed to have been murder. And her father was blamed, and found guilty. He was executed. During childbirth, her mother died. It was a hard labor, and her mother was in mourning. She didn’t have much of a chance. Her body simply couldn’t handle it. It gave up trying to; she had nothing to live for. She herself was cast out. Because she was her father’s daughter. Ridiculed. Unwanted. Exiled. She had no choice but to come here. Now she’s searching for a family to adopt her.

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