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Date Posted: 15:55:16 07/07/03 Mon
Author: Charity
Subject: ((Cherish the Moment)
In reply to: Solemn Promise 's message, "((I'll never break my promise)" on 15:31:25 07/07/03 Mon

A mare wondered over to her. Having taken an interest in her, she was curious. She could spot potential from a mile away. And this filly seemed to possess a lot of it. Unlike most foals, she didn’t seem to be afraid. And if she did, it was only slightly. Which was odd, she thought. After all, she was an orphan. She was probably no more than a year old, if even that; and in a strange new place. What wasn’t there to be afraid of? On the contrary, she should be shaking in her boots. So then why wasn’t she? Charity didn’t know why, but she felt impelled to help her. Another oddity of the day. Of course, she could always be found helping another horse. Somehow. Although sometimes she did more damage than good. No, that wasn’t the odd part. The odd part was that she was here, in the adoption board. What was she doing here? She honestly had no idea. Maybe it was fate; maybe it was destiny. If such a thing existed. But now that she was here, now that she was ‘involved,’ she had to do something. She suddenly felt responsible for this filly, whatever her name was.

“’ello. I don’t offer you much, an answer perhaps. If that is indeed what you are in search of. Come to Destiny Falls, and you will find it there. I will be waiting for you. If you decide not to come, you will never know what the answer is. But mightnt that be for the best? Either way, it seems that the decision is up to you. So choose wisely little one. And may you never regret your decision.”

An air of mystery. An unspoken secret. With that said and done, she made a flight path straight back to where she had come from. Destiny Falls. Still unsure of what divine powers had brought her here, of all places. But trusting in them none the less. Faith was invaluable.

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  • -- , 15:05:45 12/14/03 Sun

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