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Epress UK: The Secret plot to replace Europeans with Africans |
Winds of Jihad:- turning Europe into Africa |
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Massive Immigration?
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These lists are not necessarily specific to the European Liberation Movement.
We will gather all relevant sites toward the overall goal of freedom.
Such examples include: Indoctrinate-U and Campus Reform.
So, including off-topic websites such as AlexJones & Liveleak will enhance the overall common goal
All peoples should take strides toward insuring Justice.
Notice that Our forums primarily focus upon European Interests..
Yet there's no exclusionary idealism intended.
Currently, Westerners are being targeted.
But this fact doesn't necessarily exclude other parties from the Cause.
Thus; if any group faces similar crisis; their problems should be considered equally important.
(Examples: protecting the Singapore government from falling under Chinese control., Preventing mass immigration into any nation. Never Justifying population replacement due to low birth rates in nations such as Japan.
If they choose to lower their births; this doe not warrant immigration. Also, Northern Africa should be protected against invasions from Central Africa.
We are also not ignoring Hunger & poverty in under-developed nations.
Finally: some listed websites are controversial.
And a few have even been banned, while still remaining visible.
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