here's how CSS code is implemented onto a website:
(notice, the CSS is all enclosed within within <style type="text/css"> </ style> tags.
entire blogs or newspaper articles can also be highlighted
This can produce undesired effects, though.
If you choose this method, only slight color variants would be recommended.
in the following 2 examples,
I will be using very noticeable color-changes.
[just for demonstration. (large variables are hurtful to the eyes, and not recommended)]
anything can be done with CSS.
using the Hover feature,
you could even make a new background appear.
It's not recommended for any practical use, though.
But, it just shows how anything can be done using the Hover feature.
a normal paragraph or blog is now given a background image
each time a mouse cursor scrolls over.
Perhaps, a more simple background should be used.
here's an example of a simple background placed within a paragraph.
(it's stationary, and not using the scrolling feature).
You'll notice, it's barely noticeable that a background image is being used. ....It's smooth boxy blue.
and it's all contained within the ASMR-Updates II paragraph.
here's another example of a stationary image within a blog:
for office use only:
css overkill
(1)The Suddenchange button. IT changes too much
(2) This is suddenchanges button.
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