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✭(Also: notice the difference between Size="1" "2" "3" etc. and size="+1" "+2" "+3" etc.
the latter choice using "+" doubles the entire size.✭
I'm writing material using the Font Face method (Arial) (size 3)
I'm writing material using the Font Face method (verdana) (size 3)
I'm writing material using the Font Face method (courier) (size 3)
I'm writing material using the Font Face method (Arial) (size 3)
it can be written in a more complex manner Arial, Helvetica, Geneva.
but, we'll stay away from this complicated method.
This is some text, using size 5 and verdana font face.
This is some text, using size 3 and verdana font face.
This is some text, using size 3 and times font face.
This is some text, using size 3 and courier font face.
I'm using +2 size, along with a purplish color, and Verdana Font face
I'm using +2 size, along with a purplish color, and Arial Font face
I'm using +2 size, along with a purplish color, and Times New Roman Font face
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