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Date Posted: 16:56:44 10/27/99 Wed
Author: The Slinger
Subject: I have a better idea Ric........

**The Scene – The Slinger is sitting in his living room, which is decorated in Tex-Mex Ranch House style. He is watching the big screen TV, where Golden Boy Ric Anderson’s promo is playing. He has his boots up on his antique coffee table, and is looking very relaxed. His hat sits beside him on a saddle horn. He notices the camera and rewinds the promo back to where Anderson is speaking about him, and presses the Play button – Ric Anderson’s voice comes from the surround sound system…

“I've got a question Mr. Vengence. Since Slinger has seen the light and is now on the side of the true good-guys does this still mean were are wrestling on Friday? I don't think it's to productive for the Hit Squad, as a whole, to have members wrestling each other?”

At this The Slinger pauses the video and turns to look at the camera.

The Slinger – Well Mr. Anderson, it would appear that we have a conundrum of sorts. Do we fight, or do we not? Personally, I think it’s kind of interesting. I would love to be able to prove myself that much more by kicking your ass. Nothing personal, of course, but I want Vengeance to realize what greatness he has in his corner now that The Slinger has joined the Hit Squad. I want him to realize that power that he has at his command, now that I am with him. I want him to realize that now that The Slinger has joined the Hit Squad, I should be his right-hand man, his Number 1, his first mate. In short, I have no personal reason that I would want to defeat you, but I think that Mr. Vengeance would find it a very interesting match indeed. Of course, you wouldn’t be trying to bow out of the match would you Ric? I mean, you’re not chickening out or anything? I thought not. See ya Friday, “brother”.

The Slinger smirks as he again aims his remote control at the camera, presses the button and the screen goes dark……….

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