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Date Posted: 17:27:44 10/27/99 Wed
Author: D-Son
Subject: Deflating the Revolution ,and bitching about Lance Williams...

Jeff Pettingzoo is in an arena as technicians prepare the place for Friday Night.He talks to the camera)

JP : Hey guys, im here in Denver, Colorado as the guys prepare for Friday Nights Explosion coming to you live on the WB network. Now one of the matches featured will be the Revolution pitted against Cupid and D-Son. Recently our cameras caught up with Daniel...

(It cuts to slo-mo footage of D-Son in action, doing an Asai-moon sault against Superkid)

Pettingzoo (Voice over) : Since his arrival, Daniel Son has struck a chord with the fans, partly due to the fact that he is one of the few Superstars who doesnt insult them...

(Footage of Daniel Son on the mic)

Pettingzoo (V.O.) : coupled with his excellent ring technique which has seen off the `Superkid` and excited and thrilled the fans..He's made his enemies in the short time he's been here..

(Footage of D-Son attacking Steve Black...footage of Lance Williams dissing him...footage of Python attacking Miagi)

Pettingzoo (V.O.) : But he's more than held his own, and this Friday he teams up with other fan faveourite Cupid to take on the Revolution and to teach them, as Daniel says, a sorely needed lesson..

(Cut to D-Son in the dojo talking to the camera)

D-Son : Hey, wassup my D-Sonatic Fanatics? Its me, the one and only Daniel Son just chilling here at my dojo in preparation for my fight with the "Revolution"...hahaha those guys make me laugh running around protecting each others asses, well you know what fellas? Im not impressed and neither are the millions of my fans. You see, you can run about double teaming people and...Hehehe...getting beat up yourselves back stage and..Hahah, excuse me, heeheh bashing each other with Steel chairs, but it doesnt change the fact that i will do the job on Friday and end your little "Revolution"...hehehehe..and after that, youd better believe that im coming after "Too Shit Fo' Dis League" Lance Williams. Lancy, you come to my ring, bring all the hoes you want, but the fact is that i will finish your ass weither it be in The North American Tournament or weither i gotta go to that ring and bust yo head myself...thats it, oh and yeah! I dont know who this "Oddball" is myself but hey if i gotta beat some jobber just to keep the Tuesday Night ratings up, then SO BE IT! Im out yall!!!

(The segment ends)

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