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Date Posted: 21:36:47 09/17/22 Sat
Author: Dr Eleonora
Subject: Re: A Good Punishment Enema
In reply to: Tamira 's message, "Re: A Good Punishment Enema" on 18:22:20 01/05/20 Sun

>>>Another good thing is that if girl is laying across
>>>mommy's lap getting a douche nozzle pushed up her
>>>freshly spanked rear end, she knows that she's not
>>>one in charge after all.
>>>I've never gotten an enema with a bulb douche, but
>>>I'll bet it teaches you a lot about humility.
>>I give enemas to my daughters very often.
>>But I prefer them to be on all four on the bed.
>>First I administer air enemas in their assholes, not
>>less than 10 - 15 times for each of them.
>>I asure you they will start to fart very soon.
>>And it is a very good preperation for water enemas.
>>I use 1 - 2 liters for each girl.
>>"Waiting time" is 10 min.
>>During this time, during waiting for ... (you knew
>>what), I put the rubber glove on my hand and "provoke"
>>them, touching their anuses.
>>It is very difficlut for the girl not to start ...
>>(you knew what)...
>I give them enemas in the bathrooom.
>I teach them discipline.
>They mustn't even fart without my promission...
I also administer enemas to my daughters regularly.
They must be naked from waist down, on all fours on the bed.
I administer 15- 20 air enemas to each of them first.
In causes the belly inflation and they fart.
I must allow them to fart as much as they want.
Then I start with the first liter.
It is not too much for the experienced girl, but for the beginners it is pretty difficult to endure.
I do like to "play" with their anuses, so for them is almost impossible to endure to keep the liquid inside.
After 5 - 10 min. I allow them to poop, but only in the toilette.
After that they must get another liter of water deep inside their butt holes.Then I "play" again with their anuses, but not shorter than 10 min.
Their second "visit" to the toilette is much quicker and more unpleasant.
The third liter comes very soon ...
This is usually enough and more than enough to discipline them properly.

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