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Date Posted: 12:45:58 07/27/24 Sat
Author: Carol A
Subject: Re: Bulb enema given on table…
In reply to: Kathy 's message, "Re: Bulb enema given on table…" on 05:12:04 07/27/24 Sat

Kathy, yes divorced mom here. Had two. Grown now.
Growing up the enema was given in our home and in my aunt's home. So knew of the enema very well. Especially being the oldest one.

Gave many enemas in my home to my two and to others.
For healing and for teaching.
NEVER for punishment.
Dont believe in such.

The enema was only given for health reasons. For fever reduction, to speed up recovery during a cold or flu. And few times for "bad gut syndrome." When one was acting up, misbehaving, grouchy for no apparent reason, fussy, fighting with the other kids. Then it was a good time to give an enema.
I gave an enema once a month regardless.

I did the same as you. Prepared everything before going to get the one who was going to be given an enema. Didnt matter if was going to be given on the kitchen table or changing table or on the bed.

Everything was prepared before bringing him to the table. I'd leave the enema bulb floating in the pan of warm mild soapy water. Then go get him.

To make things easier I would strip the one who was going to get an enema from waist down sometimes. Let him run around. Then go get him when ready. That way could go directly to the table.

If he was bed ridden I would take the pan of solution, enema bulb, vaseline and towel to the room and give it on the bed. Sometimes prepared the bed with a towel , rubber sheet. Remove the bed linen. Then have him wait on bed.

The bulb syringe was used exclusively like you got and gave.

Few times I taught a mom how to give an enema. Taught her in my home. How to prepare for giving an enema. How to prepare the patient in bed or for getting it on a table. Show her how to make the solution.
Fill the bulb and more.
Then I would give an enema while she watched. Then the second bulb full she would give it. With me watching and assisting her.

People forget this was years ago. The enema was very very common in all homes then.


>When giving the enema on the changing table I prepared
>everything before the child was placed on the table.
>The bulb syringe was used exclusively as I wanted to
>feel the pressure so that I could tell if another bulb
>was needed.
>Did you have children? If so did they receive enemas
>when needed?

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