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Date Posted: 04:46:07 08/11/24 Sun
Author: Kathy
Subject: Re: Bulb enema given on table…
In reply to: Carol A 's message, "Re: Bulb enema given on table…" on 12:46:23 08/09/24 Fri

>Good you gave her an enema. She got a two quart
>enema. Which is same size as the red rubber enema bag.
>I would have given her an enema in the knee-to-chest
>position on the bed. That’s on knees. Head on bed.
>Yes rear is up.
>Then given her across the lap way. Then she would
>know those positions for giving enemas.
>You did give her a fairly large enema. Did she
>complain when getting each bulb full administered?
>What did you have the solution in? Had it sitting
>when she got the enemas?
>Did you give it recently?
>I would’ve loved knowing she was going to get an enema
>from you!

I gave the young mom the enema about 5 years ago.
Debbie was nervous seeing the large stainless steel bowl full of very warm soapy solution. She told me her mom gave her a few enemas as a child but hasn't had since the Fleet the nurse gave to her during labor.

Filling the bowl with water I used a bath thermometer measuring the water at 110 F. Then mixed 3 tablespoons of castile soap in the bowl.

After preparing the solution and placing a towel on Debbie's bed I told her to remove everything from the waist down and lay on her left side with her legs bent toward her stomach.

After filling the first bulb the back rectal tube was lubricated with Vaseline. Then lubricating my finger I lubricated Debbi's anus and inserted my finger into her rectum.

Picking up the syringe I told Debbie to relax and breath deeply to minimize the cramps and that the enema will take time to administer. Lifting her cheek the brown anus came into view as I slowly inserted fully the rectal tube into her Debbie let out a loud gasp. Slowly squeezing the bulb she let out a grunting noise as the bulb slowly squeezed the solution into her.

As the sixth bulb was being filled Debbie begged to stop as she really had to relieve herself. I told her to take deep breaths to relieve the cramps and urgency to relieve herself as I needed to give her 8 bulbs to effectively relieve her constipation.

After 30 minutes the full enema was given. I heard Debbie let out a loud grunt followed by a lot of gas then splashes.
As she emptied her bowels I told her not flush the toilet as I need to see the results of the enema. During cleaning the bulb syringe the grunting continued for a good thirty minutes. The enema was certainly needed and effective.

Debbie told me a month latter that she bought a 2 oz bulb for her little girl and had already used it.

I went home and relieved my tension as I really enjoyed giving the enema.


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