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Date Posted: 11:38:57 01/21/17 Sat
Author: Steven Peterson (embarrassed)
Subject: Re: A Good Punishment Enema
In reply to: Steven Peterson 's message, "Re: A Good Punishment Enema" on 11:36:55 01/21/17 Sat

>OOPS, sorry, didn't read the title of the thread. For women, I"ll move it if I can

This reminded me of a few times in my childhood. I had
>a thing for the rectal thermometer and would sometimes
>sneak it from the bathroom back to my bedroom for some
>private play.
>I was caught by my stepmother at about age 7. She
>theatened to give me a 'quart enema' if I were to be
>caught again. I remember sizing up quart jars and
>thinking "That's a lot"
>i was again caught at about age 12. This time playing
>doctor with a young friend. I was lying nude on the
>bed on my stomach, rectal thermometer protruding from
>me as she walked in the room surprising and scaring me.
>A moment later my friend came in the room, also nude,
>and carrying a filled douche bulb intended to be a
>warm up for the enema bag that was hanging in the
>bathroom which he was planning on using on me as well.
>my stepmother told me not to move and for my friend to
>lie beside me, for as soon as she returned from a
>phone call to his mother, she would be cleaning both
>of us out 'seriously'
>I found that the ominous 'quart enema' was no longer
>valid. Instead I received the full capacity, with too
>much soap and hung too high. I couldn't begin to
>finish the bag, she kept trying telling me the
>'punishment ' wasn't over until I could take AND hold
>a full bag for 15 min. Then she would send me to the
>shower but often return to force several bulbs from
>the douche into my behind, as I was bent over and
>trying not to spill.
>For the next two weeks, as soon as I came home from
>school down to the basement we'd go for another 3-4
>tries. It wasn't fun.

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