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Date Posted: 19:50:31 09/23/20 Wed
Author: Tarya
Subject: Re: I don't believe punishment enemas should ever hurt
In reply to: Marsha 's message, "I don't believe punishment enemas should ever hurt" on 17:45:03 06/09/13 Sun

>I tried to never hurt my girls with an enema, aside
>from the normal cramping that often accompanies any
>high volume enema. To me, enemas are an intermediate
>punishment, used when the culprit deserves more than a
>couple of swats on the jeans, but less than a full
>scale paddling.
>Before I start, I have three children, a son and two
>daughters that are three and four years younger than
>their brother. All are grown now and have their own
>Before our first child was born, my husband and I
>decided that he would discipline any male children and
>I would handle the females and that worked out very
>well. He almost always used a wooden paddle on the
>bare bottom and spanked much harder than I ever would
>have, but my son thrived on hard spankings and we're
>very happy with the way he turned out.
>I was quite a bit gentler with my daughters and they
>turned out fine too. I believed in frequent
>punishments and never hesitated to give a girl two or
>three hard swats on her jeans with my bare hand.
>Occasionally, I would send a girl to her room to get
>her paddle and I'd bend her over a kitchen chair for
>five to ten harder swats.
>However, if I thought I needed to take her pants down
>to get through to her, I usually reached for the enema
>bag before the paddle. I believe that it's important
>to make a misbehaving girl stop whatever she's doing
>and do something else and whether she's fighting,
>carousing, talking back or annoying the dog, laying
>across mommy's lap with her jeans and panties down
>around her knees and a douche nozzle squirting water
>into her rear will be a very definite "something else".
>I almost always gave simple soap and water enemas and
>I made sure the naughty girl took every ounce she
>could hold. When my oldest girl was about ten, my
>husband put a squeeze bulb in the fountain syringe's
>hose and that helped me give the girls the really
>large enemas that helped them see the error of their
>ways. I usually gave a single enema, but in extreme
>cases I would give them multiple enemas until they
>were pooping clear water into the toilet. I've found
>that one big enema would almost always make a big
>change in a girl's attitude and four or five would
>always do the trick.
>My punishment enemas were voluntary in the sense that
>a girl could request a spanking instead, but the
>spankings would be bare bottom with a wooden paddle.
>I think each girl requested a spanking instead of an
>enema - once.
>Some offenses were too serious for the enema bag. If
>one of my girls did something that endangered her or
>others, such as playing in the street, or driving home
>drunk (which my oldest girl did - once), she got taken
>into her bedroom and I showed her how her paddle was
>used. Those paddlings were always on the bare bottom
>and always extremely painful with lots of bawling and
>leg thrashing and there was no chance of substituting
>an enema for them. However, all bare bottom paddlings
>ended up with the girl over my knees in the bathroom
>getting the enema of her life.
>My children all turned out very well and they've made
>me a grandmother many times over. I recommend
>punishment enemas for girls without hesitation.

I have two girls, age 11 and 13.
I administer them enemas once or twice a week.
I usually do it in the bathroom, so they can be naked.
I start with air enemas.
I give each of them 10 - 15 air enemas, at least.
They fart a lot, of course.
And then I give each of them 2 - 3 liters of water enema deep inside the ass holes.
Sometimes I repaet the whole proces twice or even three times.
I must admit I do like to do such things.

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