Subject: Important articles |
Author: T.E. Shannon
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Date Posted: 22:25:02 04/07/14 Mon
This thread is dedicated to important News headlines.
Let's begin with the ridiculous article on "a member of the Jobbik party who learned he was Jewish".
Csanád Szegedi was a prominent right-wing extremist in Hungary until he discovered his own Jewish roots in 2012. Since then, he has undergone a radical reinvention and is even learning Hebrew. His grandmother, though, continues to hide her Auschwitz tattoo.
The Hungarian Jobbik party is created to secure a future for their country.
The Zionists are attempting to slowly destroy all Western nations by overwhelming them with Massive immigration.
And, IF Hungarians sit by and fail to act; their entire national identity, along with their cultural and ethnic heritage will die.
SO, This is why it's necessary for groups to formulate.
But, I would like to analyze the media's coverage of this issue.
1st: notice how they describe the Jobbik party as being 'far-right' 'extremist' group. These opinions quickly become mainstream media dogma.
But, this also begs to ask;
why should he oppose the Jobbik Party, just because he's learned about his Jewish heritage?
So, before; he cared about the future of Hungary and its people.
But now; he doesn't care anymore, because he's not Hungarian.
By similar terms:
what if Hungary became majority African?
Obviously, the Africans wouldn't care but the Hungarian identity either.
There's a basic expression (from Radix Journal);
So, if foreigners flood into any European country...
if Muslims or Africans become the Majority; they won't give a damn about preserving Hungarian Culture or Identity.
You're all aware of the situation in Crimea.
Russians invaded Crimea and seized it from Ukraine!!
Upon reading further; we've learned that Crimea already had a majority Russian Population.
So, the same rule applies to Hungary.
If enough foreigners overwhelm their country, the nation will cease to exist... Culturally, politically, ethnically.
Now, let's address a few additional issues.
Since when should things change, just because someone learned of their Jewish heritage?
There are members within our movement who are partially Jewish. And they would still acknowledge that POWERFUL Jewish Groups are attempting to destroy Western nations.
Let's repeat that quote "Demography is destiny".
Former Jobbik party member, Csanád Szegedi, once claimed
that Jews sought to plunder Hungary and transform Hungarians into a minority in their own country.
These claims are 100% true.
Zionists launch cultural warfare against every country where they dwell.
Is it any less true, just because your not Hungarian?
Apparently so.
QUOTE: "Suddenly he's Jewish". "Now, he calls himself Dovid Szegedi, eats kosher, is learning Hebrew and goes to the Synagogue every Friday. "This is my true identity," says Szegedi"
This only proves reason for the Jobbik party.
Since szegedi is "Jewish"; he no longer gives a damn about Hungary.
His true identity is ....... you know what....
I rest my case.
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