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Subject: Friends and Betrayal

admin (prelude)
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Date Posted: 19:21:52 05/16/14 Fri

As you're probably aware; Zionists claim to promote massive immigration in order to 'stop antisemitism' & 'promote tolerance'.

One of our most important goals is to debunk this myth.

Yet, before beginning; let's analyze the logic being used by mainstream Jewry.
According to Zionist Groups; they believe it's necessary to create a 'multicultural society' in order to protect themselves from the primary host population.
If you're unfamiliar with this logic; it's already beginning to sound ridiculous (if not downright fishy).
Think about it. These people are secretly trying to create a 'multicultural society' within the host nation; JUST BECAUSE it's deemed in their own best interest.
They claim, it will prevent them from being persecuted.
Is that screwed up, or what????
The very idea they feel entitled to shape society in order to match their own best interest.
Ahhhhhh, It's somewhat humorous when you think about it.
Because... until now; you probably felt nothing against these people whatsoever.
But after learning more about their goals; you're already beginning to 'dislike' these people. [LOL]
The goal of this thread is to debunk the myths.
---Those people promote massive immigration in order to strengthen their own Global Power Structure.
They're NOT doing this in order to stop antisemitism.

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[> Subject: Re: Friends and Betrayal

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Date Posted: 20:11:10 05/16/14 Fri

One goal is to establish inconsistencies in their claims.

[These people] depend upon us, for support. They've even created a bogus alliance between themselves & White Americans. (a friendship which only benefits themselves).
(This same rule applies to Canada, England, & Australia; as well).
In simple terms:
White people helped [those people]. We aided them & gave liberties to them. AND, in return; they conspired against us. Plain & Simple.

Here's a few examples showing how [they] tried to establish a one-sided alliance with us.
You've heard of AIPAC. BUT, did you know this organization was created way back in 1963.

This predates the Open Immigration Act of 1965.
SO, in other words:
These people were seeking our support while also secretly attempting to destroy us.

In case you're not aware; there are also Jewish organizations in Canada who seek support.... WHILE ALSO TRYING TO TRANSFORM CANADA INTO A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY.
Here are 2 examples.


Here's a typical example.
She came to America. Her parents were able to migrate from Poland.
Her daughter joins another pro-Israeli group "The Canadian Council of Christians and Jews"
while her son David, (a Canadian) joins Republican Jewish Coalition. He also managed to gain American citizenship, as well. and promptly joins AIPAC.
OH, and he's the same guy who coined that infamous statement "YOU'RE OLD, YOU'RE WHITE, YOU'RE HISTORY".
As a result; this hatemonger helped putting Newsweek Magazine out-of-business.

Essentially; these people ask for our support. while, at the same time; they're trying to displace us.
You might say, they're merely viewing us as 'Useful Idiots'.

So, who's at fault? US or them?

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