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Subject: Re: The List of Excuses II

Dr. Shannon
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Date Posted: 21:12:45 10/10/13 Thu
In reply to: Dr. Shannon 's message, "The List of Excuses" on 20:43:41 10/10/13 Thu

"We're just trying to stop European nations from fighting against each-other"
We need to flood European nations with millions of immigrants.
Otherwise; those Europeans would kill each other.
So, we're just trying to stop them from harming fellow Europeans.

"Immigration is a tool being used to prevent all future wars".
"We're bringing peace to the world".
So, massive immigration will save us!!!
No more war!!!

"Hey, look at EARTH from a topographical view"
Look at NASA photos 200,000 miles above.

"We're doing this because we for the purpose of removing all national borders.
"This will save the world".

"Immigration is a good thing".
You should want to live amongst different cultures.
"You should WANT to become minorities"
"You should look forward to it".

"Let's all learn to love one another".
The world should come together.

When your culture becomes mixed amongst others,
things will be better this way.

"immigrants to all-the-work which the rest of us don't wanna do"

"Immigrants can do all the hard work because Americans are too lazy".

We're having a big economic boom, right now.
So, we should continue accepting illegal immigrants until the economy shows down.
But Since the economy is growing; immigrants aren't taking any jobs from us.

"This country is now slowing down.
Therefore, we need immigrants to get us out of this recession"

"Mass immigration helps the economy".
More people means a bigger economy.
(Many economists use this simple logic)

(Here's a ridiculous one)
"We wanna turn Australia into a "SUPER POWER".
So, we need to add millions.
Otherwise, Australia can't be a player on the world stage.

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