Subject: The List of Excuses |
Author: Dr. Shannon
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Date Posted: 20:43:41 10/10/13 Thu
In reply to:
Dr. Shannon
's message, "Mass Immigration: The List of Excuses" on 20:04:20 10/10/13 Thu
Here are some reasons given used by adversaries to justify flooding Western nations with immigration.
"We need them. We couldn't survive without immigrants."
They do all the work.
Without immigrants; we couldn't even tie our own shoe laces.
And, we'd probably all end-up starving.
"Immigrants provide a good source of cheap labor"
"We were all immigrants anyway"
"They help us"
Immigrants make this country into a better place.
"we need a constant stream of immigration in order to revitalize society".
So, it's necessary to add newcomers.
"hey, this country doesn't really belong to you"
"You took the land from The Indians"
"This land really belongs to the native Americans"
(an argument specifically used against USA, or Australia).
"It's payback time. You're responsible for all the slavery, murder, and warfare throughout history".
Therefore, white people deserve to be persecuted.
"Hey, the native people of Europe aren't having enough children.
Therefore, we must replace them with massive immigration"
After all;
if your people can't sustain its population; then the only solution is to bring millions of foreigners.
"Adding different cultures is good for the country".
"Different peoples will enhance & enrich society."
"hey, like it or not; we're now living in a global economy"
"So, you'd better get used to it"
We're trading with other nations. And, this includes human migration??????
Massive immigration promotes global equality.
Therefore, massive immigration is orchestrated "in the name of equality".
We must 'redistribute the wealth' to all peoples.
"we need to eradicate racism".
massive immigration will teach society to become more "tolerant of others".
We're doing this in order to end Xenophobia.
Mass immigration is a lesson on tolerance.
"Hey, white people are leaving religion"
"Therefore, we need immigrants to replenish those numbers".
The media has engineered our society to shun religion.
Our churches are loosing members;
so, we've gotta replace the loses by bringing religious foreigners.
"The Bible teaches us to 'Welcome Thy Neighbor'" ???????
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