Subject: The List of Excuses 4 |
Author: Dr. Shannon
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Date Posted: 03:32:35 10/14/13 Mon
In reply to:
Dr. Shannon
's message, "Mass Immigration: The List of Excuses" on 20:04:20 10/10/13 Thu
"because Western Nations are wealthier"
and, migration helps to narrow the gap between rich & poor.
"The Ukraine needs mass immigration, because they're a very poor country."
And somehow, migrants will lift the Ukrainian economy into 1st World Status.
(more contradictions).
"Sweden needs massive immigration because their economy is stumbling".
They're experiencing economic decline. Therefore mass immigration is needed.
"Teachers from China should migrate into the USA and Canada...because the Teachers Salary is 30 times higher here"
Hey, they're entitled to earn a good salary, right?
So, the solution is to move into Western nations.
Why should a Chinese scholar only earn 10 US dollars per week under the communist regime?
"Rich countries should actively recruit medical personnel from poorer countries"
Yea! This will aid the health of ???? who ????
It surely won't help people from the 3rd world.)
"We need foreign medical workers because it's the only way to stop disease in developing nations"
How? By telling them to flea the source nation?
"Mass immigration is necessary because of Public Health Concerned" immunization.
"We need mass immigration into European countries because Europeans are the oppressors".
So, people should move there?????
Mass Immigration can save lives!
we need to rescue slave laborers & other persecuted people.
(how long can this last).
"It only makes sense to have immigration into better nations"
"After all; who would want to migrate to Syria or Yemen"
"No one would even want to enter Dubai or Pakistan."
"So, for that reason; this explains why people are only flooding into Western Nations"
"Who would wanna move into a middle eastern country?"
(response: and the solution is to allow worse nations to expand? This will only make all places worse).
A good reason for mass immigration:
whites are xenophobic.
So, this will teach them to be less fearful of others.
(once again: more contradictions.
they admit Middle Easterners have archaic cultures, yet accuse White guys of racism).
"we can all coexist."
(this rule only applies to some countries?)
Race merely a social construct).
"The World should all come together"
I'm an idealist!
Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could all just get together and love one another!
(dogma? Contradictions? Change of pace? forcing it upon us?)
"How selfish".
"You want to keep these nice places just for yourself!"
"European countries never cared when other countries were engaged in battles, civil wars, human rights violations"
"White people only take notice when they're affected by something."
did they really care when other people were dying in wars all-over-the world?
Did they care when people were starving?
Did they care when countries were invading neighboring territories.
But, the issue of mass immigration gets alot of attention because it concerns your own best interest.
(response: you're admitting these countries are always engaged in violent civil wars. You initially claimed that white guys are responsible for all the warfare and oppression.)
(response 2: We never cared about other people in need?
Western Nations are the only ones who try to help.
USA For Africa, Band Aid, Live Aid, Unicef, etc etc)
(response 3: you speak of War-Torn countries. and these conflicts will only expand into Europe. Zionists claim that "mass immigration is a good thing". "These immigrants help you". But clearly; their goals are malicious. )
"People have been migrating throughout human history".
Sure. Human populations have been relocating since the beginning to time.
So, everyone should begin migrating into Western nations?
(Cultural Marxism? Logic is not independent of content.)
here's an abstract one:
"most other societies are ALSO experiencing massive immigration".
"Mass immigration gives reason to teach classes promoting tolerance".
{In other words; you've found another reason to indoctrinate our children.}
"It's all about stopping bigotry"
When Turks begin migrating into Greece,
this means; the Greeks are intolerant & Xenophobic.
So, anyone who opposes massive immigration is "Racist".
So, this same basic rule applies in all Western Nations.
If Moroccans are invading Spain, the Spanish must be bigots.
If England faces massive immigration; the British must be Xenophobic.
If Sweden has high annual immigration; that's because Swedes are intolerant.
"Like it or not: you're gonna learn to accept others"
(once again: An old Frankfurt School idealogy "Logic is not independent of content")
(on similar terms: Western Nations are forced to accept Transvestite Liberation. In fact, normalcy has become outcast. Liberals shun marriage & relationships between Man & Woman. Cultural marxism).
Mass Immigration:
"Hey, deal with it".
"Get used to it"
"You'd better learn to just accept it"
"Because, like it or not; that's how things are gonna be".
"Western Nations can act as a SAFETY VALVE in order to prevent other nations from becoming over populated.
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