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Subject: This is NOT Journalism!

TE Shannon
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Date Posted: 08:46:55 02/09/15 Mon

During previous decades,
I believed that mainstream Journalism couldn't get any worse.
But, I was wrong.

I'd like to dedicate this thread to the idiocy and unprofessionalism of modern journalism.

eventually, some of the following links may expire in years to come.]

Here's one example:
"When White People Just don't get it"
a 4-part series from The New York Times.

written by Zionist, Nicholas-Kristof

The article begins,

[WHEN I write about racial inequality in America, one common response from whites is eye-rolling and an emphatic: It’s time to move on.

“As whites, are we doomed to an eternity of apology?” Neil tweeted at me. “When does individual responsibility kick in?”

Terry asked on my Facebook page: “Why are we still being held to actions that took place long ago?”

“How long am I supposed to feel guilty about being white? I bust my hump at work and refrain from living a thug life,” Bradley chimed in. “America is about personal responsibility. ... And really, get past the slavery issue.”
Continue reading the main story
Related in Opinion

Nicholas Kristof: Is Everyone a Little Bit Racist?
Nicholas Kristof: When Whites Just Don’t Get It
Nicholas Kristof: When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Part 2
Nicholas Kristof: When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Part 3

This is the fourth installment in a series of columns I’ve written this year, “When Whites Just Don’t Get It,” and plenty of white readers have responded with anger and frustration at what they see as the “blame game” on race. They acknowledge a horrific history of racial discrimination but also say that we should look forward, not backward. The Supreme Court seems to share this view as it dismantles civil-rights-era rulings on voting rights.

As Dina puts it: “I am tired of the race conversation. It has exasperated me. Just stop. In so many industries, the racial ceiling has been shattered. Our president is black. From that moment on, there were no more excuses.”

If only it were so simple!]

Response from Dr. Shannon.

First, the title alone discredits the entire article.
Anyone who would entitle a Newspaper story "whites just don't get it" simply shouldn't be taken seriously.

What exactly is the problem here?
We are constantly blitzed with Racial dogma.
And, we've all grown tired of it, too.
So, there's every reason to complain.

3rd: you repeat the same dogma that's already been presented countless times.
So, it explains why we've grown tired of it.

4th: Kristof doesn't account for his own racist tribal shortcomings.
Zionists take huge efforts keeping blacks OUT of their communities.
and, Average middle-class Jews send their kids to private schools due to outright XENOPHOBIA.
SO, it's funny how they criticize us ....from a safe distance.

5th: White people are the only ones who tirelessly try to help blacks.
This also leads to question why Kristof fails to criticize Asians, or any other ethnic group.
Instead, he specifically attacks one group, while ignoring eveything else.

6th: Notice how these shabby Journalists always push us against the ropes.
In other words, I'm terrorized by mainstream media, each and every day.
There's no other demographic group who's forced to deal with this.
Once again proving why white people are getting fed up.
In other words, this article proves the opposition correct.

7th: This is NOT Journalism.

The following examples are just a few of many.

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