Subject: The Most dangerous publication in America |
Author: Dr. Shannon
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Date Posted: 10:07:18 02/09/15 Mon
As I've stated before,
It was my intention to offer a convenient linking to various news channels.
I did not want to transform this into a heated debate.
BUT, observing one specific website has forced me to change my position.
Dr. Shannon Declares War against The Huffington Post
There are literally hundreds of extremist left-winged sites which are deemed too extreme for mainstream Journalism.
And, those sites do not appear on this News list, either.
But there's one exception.
The Huffinton Post is an enormously popular News-Orientated Website.
Yet, it's more suitable for the outer fringes.
Somehow, it's managed to be a top 50 website.
Now, I'm NOT condemning Huff Post simply for their biased Journalism.
But, I'm declaring war against them for a very different reason.
They're free to write any articles, no matter how corrupt.
in addition to these Articles which incite hatred against White People,
they allow allow commenters to freely attack us.
While, at the same time,
the HUFF POST censors all opposition.
And that's the reason why I'm dedicating this thread to exposing their evils.
It's okay to write disgraceful articles against white people.
We're not asking for entire article to rebuttal.
Instead, just don't censor our comments.
Is that really much to ask for?
Huff Post automatically remove any comments which disagree with their article.
For example:
Amidst hundreds of commenters spewing out hatred against Europeans,
I make an attempt to respond.
So, when one commenter calls white people evil because a black man was killed by a white cop.
So, my response is simple:
"Statistically, Blacks commit 25 times more crimes against whites, than vice-versa".
And, this reasonable comment is erased by The Huffington Post.
As far as I'm concerned, this type of censorship should be illegal.
Note: Huff Post isn't the only News website which practices blatant censorship against commenters who disagree.
In fact, most left-winged extremist sites are guilty of this.
There's one key difference:
Huffington Post pretends to promote open-discussion.
When, in truth, they practice selective censorship.
--Huff Post allows vicious attacks depending upon who's being attacked.
According to their moderators;
it's perfectly okay to show hatred against Westerners.
but, any response are blocked.
Every week, more articles promote hatred.
And, just like every week before;
this encourages a barrage of comments against my people.
Yet, once again, Huff Post strictly moderates my opportunity to respond.
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