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Now, each word is 4x larger
Since HTML Fonts have been depreciated,
the following CSS code has replaced our Fonts.
This new method is designed to save repetitive writing. BUT, it applies to all headlines, labeled <H2>.
finally, additional features may be added; if so desired.
Some options haven't been included; mainly because their effect is minor.
one example is Font Face. (example: FONT FACE="Arial")
This could be useful; but Arial is a personal favorite.
Font Face is now added (..............Arial)
Font Face is now added
(..Comic Sans MS)
Font Face is now added (Lucida Console)
Font Face is now added (..LetterGothic)
here are a few sites which offer FONT FACES
Wavian/ font-list
Another is the Boldness of text.
(instead of choosing light, normal, or bold,
numbers can be used in order to change the degree of boldness)
This is called FONT WEIGHT. (example 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900)
900 is nearly Bold.
......but, The effects are barely noticeable.
A BRAND NEW METHOD, courtesy of T.E. Shannon!!!! ✪✪✪✪✫✪
Here's an interesting method using the brand new DIV STYLE trick !!!!
add your text here
add your text here
add your text here
add your text here
add your text here
add your text material here
add your text here
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