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most programmers prefer using Quotations " ", in various HTML codes...
while my webpages often use simple Apostrophes ' '
<a href='http://URL here'>Title Of Link</a>
is the same thing as
<a href="http://URL here">Title Of Link</a>
The Quotations " " are probably more reliable than Apostrophes ' '.
I've been using apostrophes occasionally because it's a little quicker when organizing hundreds of links
and I'm differentiating between
href='http://URL here' (using apostrophes)
and title="outer text here" (using quotations).
'Apostrophes' are especially NOT recommended when using title="outer text here" .
Technically, apostrophes will correctly work when using title='outer text here' .
BUT, the data will be corrupted if any text contains an apostrophe.
for example:
title='welcome to my mother's house'.
This usage of ' in the above example will corrupt the Title unless ""quotations are used.'
In short: don't get confused if I'm sometimes using apostrophes in the A HREF, instead of Quotations.
'Apostrophes' and "quotations" are basically the same.
The following 2 examples are using apostrophes in HREF'HTTP://URL_HERE' and Quotations in TITLE="OUTER TEXT HERE"
<a href='http://URL here' target="_blank" title="outer text here">Title Of Link</a>
<a href='http://URL here' Onclick="; return false" A title="outer text here" >Title Of Link</a>
You can simply use Quotations for both HREF="HTTP://URL_HERE" and TITLE="OUTER TEXT HERE"
additional HTML features:
writing hidden text which does take up space.
<div style="visibility: hidden">My Hidden Text
<span style="visibility: hidden">.........
(this SPAN STYLE="visibility: hidden" can also create a similar effect to using several lines).
<p hidden> hide an entire paragraph </p>
is the same thing as using
is the same thing as using
  creates a thinner
  = 5 x
  = 2 x
  = 1/2
in other words
  = 5 times the width of
  = 2 times the width of
  = 1/2 the width of
before using this Quick Reference Guide
it's probably a good idea to read the detailed instructions below
(from previous page [Basic Tutorial/ 234984] )
This Page was created to give easy access for basic commands.
-It's a Quick Reference Guide-
The commentary is using small text,
because we're already assuming that you're familiar with each basic task.
Thus, it's not necessary to explain in detail.
However, a mirror link as probably easier to read: Voy/235993
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