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HTML Lessons: Tables
The following example is a Simple Table:
 Title1   Title2   Title3   Title4   Title5 
 Title6   Title7   Title8   Title9   Title10 
 Title11   Title12   Title13   Title14   Title15 
 Title16   Title17   Title18   Title19   Title20 

These Tables can be altered in numerous ways.
Here's one example:
1   write a 1st title        3   write a 3rd title        5   write a 5th title  
2   write a 2nd title        4   write a 4th title        6   write a 6th title  

(It's the same basic concept; using more creative layout).
You may also include the New Tab feature, along with the Outer-Text method.
(please refer to Lesson #1: Basic HTML)

(Also note: I often prefer adding non-breaking spaces.( )
They help to center There are better ways to improve these tables.
but, we won't delve into this topic.
Here's a basic code without the non-breaking spaces:
(the titles are scrunched more closely together)

Title1 Title2 Title3 Title4 Title5
Title6 Title7 Title8 Title9 Title10

...within each Title-Link, these added features (such as open New Tab) will be included:

(there is not enough space on this forum-page to give a full demonstration).

here's a few examples of our Tables, which are using simple & innovative tricks:
(in the following example, please note that some website links are controversial): EuroIQ

more information is below ↓↓

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This redesigned Table is a Dr. Shannon exclusive. ©mensrightsmovement.
brought to you by T.E. Shannon, whiteIQ, & MRM.
It's using the same basic format.
Only the lines & spaces have been rearranged (in order to Alphabetize the list).



and, so forth......

(You'll notice: A few Extra lines were added for letters "A", "N" and "W").
This shows the versatility when customizing this table to suit your personal needs.

notice--table #2 is also a TE Shannon recreate.
It demonstrates the versatility of basic tables.

and, here's a few examples of finished products. -(please note: some links are controversial)
The Solutrean
☆ The Solutreans

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