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Whether creating Tables, simple HTML links, CSS Boxes, or any content;
you probably wish to begin with an Opening Headline.
This neat trick allows you to Choose an Main Title of any size or color.
Plus, in the future; a 2nd type can be included if desired.
Primary Headline here

then, add content here. or, begin paragraph.

When using basic HTML, you might run into an aesthetic obstacle.
Often, when adding a background design, it interferes with your written text.
And, the words become difficult to read.
Here's a simple solution.
Using the following code, you can create a backdrop within a specific area.
(we're giving the name Wrap-over to this method)
[this method will be discussed in further detail at a later time]

add content or text, here.

The first 6-digit number allows you to change the background color.
The second 6-digit number changes the color-of-text.
and the Font-size allows you to change the size-of-text.

Another option is simply removing the background altogether.
Your Text will remain visible.
This is especially useful when the Words are either too large or small.

Or, you can simply change the color-of-text (while leaving the background transparent).
add content or text, here.

This trick works with all types of Content, such as simple paragraphs, Tables, CSS Buttons, etc.

Here's another method for creating headlines.
You'll notice; it begins with span style.
and, the font-size is not measured in numbered PX.
(instead using descriptive sizing, such as xx-large, x-large, large, medium, small, x-small, xx-small.)
Primary Headline here

add more text here, if desired

(Besides the descriptive sizing, from XX-small to XX-large; ...2 additional sizes are also used.)
Some programmers also implement larger & smaller. [implying a comparison from the previous size]
Is it larger than the previous line? Or, is it smaller? {this feature is for advanced users only, and will Not be covered here.}

Other Headlines can be used, such as <LABEL>

also try Strong title

(....although, unfortunately many HTML codes have been depreciated by HTML-5).

🌟 please scroll to bottom of page for more insight.↓↓↓

return to HTML Home-page

Regardless of the HTML Lesson; one thing which must be emphasized.
There are always several ways to accomplish the same task.
So obviously, the method I'm using for creating Headlines is not the only way!!!
here's just one example of a totally different approach:

Olympic Gold Medalists Interviewed

text here. text here.


Winter Olympics

text here. text here.


The Summer Events

text here. text here.

This method automatically Centers your text.
But, for various reasons; I did not choose this method.
(although, there's NO MISTAKEN:
CSS is more versatile, quicker, and less error prone)

Here's another example of H1 Tags
(backgrounds and other features are being implemented). ....more can be added later, as well. (font-family, border 1px, etc)

and, here's the simplified example (posted on another webpage)

You'll also notice that H1 Tags automatically choose an appropriate size.
The same is true for H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6.
However, special font-sizes may be added (as seen above)

One final message:
Try getting into the habit of choosing 6-digit numbers, such as #891919.
This offers endless possibilities compared to simply writing basic text, such as blue, red, green

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