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Example 3 (Headlines and Titles removed)
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☆ ☆
Example 4 ☆☆
(with my personal text added)
☆ A few notes regarding Example 4 ☆
-Title #1 is using plain text (which I believe is too large).
-Titles #2,#3, and #4 are using my favorite Text method within SPAN STYLE.
-You'll notice that Titles #2 & #3 are using small text (which is my personal preference).
-While Title #4 is using medium Text.
(The next size upward would be large, of course).
-Also, the colors in each text are slightly variated
-Finally, Titles #2 and #3 are also using <strong> tags.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for office use only:
Basic example 1:
(added onclick in link (3) for New Tag.
---------------------- basic example 2:
testing 1,2,3 |
Excellent Practice #2
In this example, all table lines change colors
(courtesy of htmlgoodies)
testing 1 | testing 2 | testing 3 | testing 4 | testing 5 | testing 6 | testing 1,2,3
write stuff here. and post links. |
testing 1,2,3 |
Title This 1Title This 2testing 1,2,3 |
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