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Each Row is within its own separate Table.
For instance: one distinct Table represents "Row 5":
Here, I will add 2 more titles:
(Above, are Titles 1 thru 5).
an added <td.a href="http://url%20here/"</td> line always appears at the end... ...for cosmetic purposes only.
Also, you'll notice additional HTML, such as table border=""...
which apparently serves no practical purpose.
These are for advanced users (who intend to add features later-on).
Title 1 | Title 2 | title 3 | title 4 |
title 5 | title 6 | title 7 | title 8 |
a Colored Table:
Title 1 | Title 2 | title 3 | title 4 |
title 5 | title 6 | title 7 | title 8 |
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