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Let's give a more detailed version of the above code:
Here's a self-explanatory example:
(Of course) when using this code;
only the word "Yahoo!" will be visible.
And, clicking the link will direct you to
Next, you might want to enable your link to open in a new TAB.
The most commonly used method:
A newer and smoother method opening links in New Tabs is the following code:
(note: whenever pasting this code, it's considered proper to include the blank space prior to each attribute.)
Don't Do this:
ahref="http://URL here"target="_blank"title="outer text here" >Title Of Link
It's considered proper to have space between attributes.
You can also add narrative text within each highlighted link. .....we'll call this the "Outer Text Method".
A title="outer text here"
(Once again; it's considered correct to include an empty space prior to this code.)
Also consider using " " (quotations) instead of ' '.
This allows usage of these ' (apostrophe's) within your text.
Here's an example of the finished product:
So, the following code gives all these features:
Title Of Link
These methods can be used for most types of HTML and CSS!!!'s an example of these features being applied to a CSS Button:
The most basic commands of HTML are
(which begins a new line).
(which begins a new paragraph).
[Unfortunately; the alternative version of
Additional basic functions include breaking a space.
(although, this is becoming somewhat obsolete).
Also Note: When copying&pasting the above code; please remove spaces.
So, it should display like this-
and, you can break 5 spaces, using the following code:
(Of course, when applying this code, there are no spaces).  
When using basic HTML functions: always remember to enclose your Taglines.
For example: specific words can be made BOLD by using the following code:
Here's the finished product: Specific words in Boldface, then, normal text.
This boldface uses the TAGS
In order to write words in Script;
This tagline (directly above) creates the following results: write words in Script , then, proceed with normal text.
Words and Phrases can also be underlined:
Here's the visible product:
Underline any Phrase enclosed within these Tags, then, proceed with normal text.
So, this method of enclosing tags applies to virtually all forms of HTML (whether they are simple or complex).
It's necessary to enclose the tags. This enables your instruction to display correctly.
IN order to center a Paragraph (or, an entire page), use the tags: .
Write your material between these Center lines.
Apply The <center> tag at the beginning.
and,finish with </center> when closing afterward.
for example:.
Now that you're familiar with Tags which surround content; this method applies to nearly every type of instruction.
for example:<body>
Now, let's apply this to a more complex Code:
(You'll notice that each different tag is properly enclosed)
This is the correct procedure.
You may now add the ability to open links in new tabs, and, add outer text
.....and, this completes your lesson in Basic HTML!
This material is using the T.E. Shannon Rebuild. All rights reserved.
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