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Subject: "You just hate anyone who's different"

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Date Posted: 02:34:51 10/09/18 Tue
In reply to: admin 's message, "They Push for immigration for ANY reason imaginable" on 08:36:21 09/27/18 Thu

We've heard every possible argument.

among all else, we've been accused of disliking people who are different than us.

But, in truth: we're OVERLY tolerant of others.
We've been too nice, too giving, and too welcoming toward immigrants.

We didn't become concerned until every street-corner was completely overrun by foreign populations.
ANY group would react the same way if they were becoming strangers in their own land.

Therefore, you can't use that argument claiming that we're xenophobic toward others.
The truth is: we welcomed others indiscriminately until its negative effects began to show.

We've all read those op-ed articles in the NY·Times which attack Whites for every ridiculous reason imaginable.
Perhaps, this is why White people become concerned by non-white populations.
There's an ever increasing threat of hostility toward us.
As their numbers grow; the threat looms even larger.

Part (B)
Much of the hostility against Whites is secretly being perpetrated by Neo-Marxist groups.
And they're channeling this negativity through mass media.

Part (C)
There's been more anti-White rhetoric throughout the media than it's even possible to document.
But, it seems to be getting worse.

...do you remember MTV's "Dear White People" segment?
... or, the verbal attacks against White women from benefiting too much from the #MeToo movement?
Does anyone remember all those demonstrations shouting "No Justice, No Peace"? Burning cities?
... Or, the University academic classes on "White Privilege" and "White fragility"?

Maybe this is why White people have grown weary of these trends.
So, in light of these circumstances;
it's just plain ridiculous to accuse us of senseless fearmongering.

Part (D)
On a specific note:
In 2018; Actor Rob Reiner criticized our "anti-immigration" sentiment stating that
White people don't want any Blacks or Browns coming to this country.

This shows how deeply out-of-touch Reiner is.
We've already taken 85 Million migrants within a span of 40 years.
Most immigrants are ethnically & culturally different; and they don't share the same values.
Yet Reiner acts as though we're angry just because a few Pakistani immigrants came to America.
Surely, Reiner is making false claims. ...and, he probably knows it, too.

Part (E)
Now, let's call attention to the obvious double-standards:
Why don't Far Leftist (such as Rob Reiner) ever demand other countries to accept diversity?
Why not tell Pakistan to accept non-Pakistanis?
or, Tell Islamic countries to become more tolerant?

According to his one-sided lens; these questions shouldn't even be answered.
But, if Millions of 3rd Worlders wanna flood into America;
we should just let them all enter.
...with no limitations whatsoever.

Yet if we feel that it's going too far; we're branded 'racist, xenophobic, & fearmongering'.
While these same rules DON'T apply to any other country.

Part (Final)
Most importantly: If Rob Reiner wants to accept massive immigration;
[[ why doesn't he just allow them into his Jewish communities? ]]

They always tell us to be compassionate toward others.
But privately, they keep diversity away from their neighborhoods.

I guess you could say... Jews are afraid of the Browning their communities.


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[> Subject: Brief Summary: "You just hate anyone who's different"

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Date Posted: 14:28:33 10/09/18 Tue

In case you don't have enough time to study the previous comment above...

Here's a brief summary:

they push for mass immigration.
and they keep doing this for several decades.
Thousands turn into millions...
and millions turn into tens of millions.

They never slow the pace.
and they don't care what happens as a result.

Then, after dealing with mass migration for an entire lifetime... You begin to question it.

You finally start asking yourself why?

Why are we supposed to accept unlimited & unceasing numbers?
THEN, the pro-migration forces quickly call you racist, Nazi, xenophobic.

It's really that simple.
They see NO limitation to immigration whatsoever.
Everyone throughout the entire world is freely welcomed to enter.
It doesn't matter how many. Sky's the limit. and, Keep coming by the millions.

Then, after generations of this madness....
What happens the very first time you question it?
The media attacks you: "What are you? A Racist?"
"You're xenophobic".
"...You hate anyone who's different from you".
"...You should embrace diversity".

"...This country wasn't just made for you"

In the end:
The pro-migration forces are using a tactic in order to silence the opposition.


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