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Amidst a vast number of issues regarding our Advocacy movement
there's singular topic which deserves its own entire forum.
The overall discussion on immigration must be addressed extensively ...
This Message-board will deal with every possible angle relating to this specific subject. ...and, this subject alone.
1) We'll list numerous reasons why anti-White Globalists are pushing for massive immigration.
2) We'll analyze the various 'reasons' given to justify their reckless Open-Borders policies.
Elitists have been telling us that mass migration is 'necessary' for every bizarre reason imaginable.
(they've given every possible excuse which has nothing to do with their true motivations.
We can thoroughly debunk all of these claims.
3) This forum delves into any general discussion on the immigration debate.
....which also includes comparing double-standards.
We'll analyze every possible argument from the opposition;
...often citing their dishonesty and deliberate misinformation.
Or, simply said: They don't even believe their own dogma when promoting this globalist agenda.
We'll also review topics such as gender issues, family, and society
(and how they pertain to the debate)
As well as
similarities and differences between debates in The USA and Europe.
And, why Globalist arguments only apply to Western nations.
Let's get started...
Unfortunately, due to excessive spam on these forums
a simple password is set for all commenting.
On this forum, the password is imm (just 3 letters).
The Master Password for all similar forums is whiteiq.
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