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After much effort; I've finally created an easy way to alter the CSS features.
Obviously, this is NOT the only way.
But, my CSS prefixes (such as .row, .chd, .che,.chf ...etc, are perfectly tailored for Voy Forums.
They're grouped together in a user-friendly manner. So, future changes will be easy.
.... (The letter-sequences below are my personal choices. Although Voy allows you to create your own random letters.
☆ But, these following sequences are maximized for your convenience!
.postform input{background-color:#E4FCFF; color:#121609; border:solid #E9967A 1px; }
.postform textarea{background-color:#daecff; color:#162600; border:solid #0B705C 1px; border-radius:5px 12px;-moz-border-radius:16px; }
This CSS Code is optimized for specific options.
I'm using Tables 1 instead of Text 1.
The forum index format is compact mode and reply format is verbose
(not necessary, but preferred).
In the Forum Administration Menu, I scrolled down to advanced user options
then, CSS, tables, & borders:
and, once I've entered this area;
I then scroll all-the-way down to the Compact & SuperCompact modes only.
Afterward, I type-in a whole series of short letters aside the accompanying command.
and, it looks exactly like this:
Compact & SuperCompact modes only
Message Tables: lin
Message Table Borders: TB
Post-box Tables: box
Post-box Table Borders: boz
Message View - Top (subject):chd
Message View - Left (author): aut
Message View - Right (body): mes
Area saying "Replies" (Compact/Medium): mes
Area saying "Replies" (Compact/Medium): mes
VoyUser Settings: Style to display VoyUser account names
Forum Owner's VoyUser name:
Other VoyUser names:
General Table Settings
Please go to bottom of screen for detailed information. ↓ ↓ ↓