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here's the Mega HTML Tutorial from T.E. Shannon & company: The HTML Tutorial

The first line; named .row is currently not being used on this forum.
It usually controls the entire subject/author/date/msgs
Now, each command is individually shaded (.chd, .che, .chf, .chg)

The .RW2 Row for Messages is also not being used, here.
It's now divided into 4 separate commands; .DC,.DD, .DE, & .DF.

(not being used. However; This could shade all 4 (subject | author | date | msgs)

--This alters the color color of SUBJECT--
--This alters the color of AUTHOR--
--This alters the color of DATE--
--this alters the color of MSGS--

--These 2 alter the shade of the lines which surround the message table--

MES is the color of all messages & responses.
--this is the color of author, only when inside the messages--

--these 4 are the entire row directly below subject | Author | Date | Msgs--

--☆ this is The Color of the entire giant message box ☆--
--This is a halo which surrounds the entire box--

.vu{font-style:italic;font-weight:bold} .ttm{font-size:9pt}

.postform input{background-color:#E4FCFF;color:#121259; border:solid #0B705C 1px; }
--postform is the shaded color inside the message subject (required)| name (required)|expression| E-mail address--
--121259 is the color of all text within these message lines--
--and finally; the color is the thin line surrounding all the effects--

.postform textarea{background-color:#DAECEF;color:#0E0720; border:solid #E9967A 1px; border-radius:5px 10px;-moz-border-radius:10px; }
--the color inside the box, and; the color of text within the Message box--
--the border is the color which surrounds the box--

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