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Date Posted: 22:35:08 08/23/02 Fri
Author: Keff
Subject: --
In reply to: Tenji .y. Keff 's message, "Arrival" on 07:21:29 08/07/02 Wed

[This post serves no point whatsoever. I'm bored, that's all. :) Also getting a better view on my character.]

Keff yawns lazily, fighting the urge to sleep. After Tenji's disappearance he had started working on things he had been delaying till after he had a pilot. Fixing, improving, adding... Now the Ship was communicating even better with him. Twitching his ears he stared idly at the wall ahead of him, using the ship to browse around the net for something of interest. He should probably just drift into hybernation for a while, waiting for Tenji to return. Or he could try to find out her location.

An odd expression, best described as a Phia-ish smirk, crosses his face 'tho eyes remain half-closed as he starts working his way deeper into the main city of Etreus. While whirling between advertising cameras and checking walls for private ones the ship sends him an odd warning, quickly identified as an attempt to 'survey' the ship. With a sigh he lets go of the webcams and starts tracking the 'flaming fool', entrusting the ship to counter the attacks on its own. Moments later the Phia loses track of the invader, dropping the search and logging the ship off the Ship-net as he chose to called it. After running a security check for the whole ship he unbinds himself from it and fully closes his eyes.

With the heartbeat greatly reduced and breathing almost none, the Phia's only sign of life are an occasional twitch of his eyes and an unconcious re-binding to the ship for status checks. The Phia hybernated, a trick possible with genetic editing.

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