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Date Posted: 14:08:07 07/04/02 Thu
Author: Channa and Wrelor
Subject: Wandering...

I'm serious, Channa. I feel at home here. I can't help it if someone has a litter.
-Wrelth... sorry, Wrelor, I'm serious too. Would you intrude on a *queen's* clutch back home?-
No. But we're not home and this isn't a queen.
-The principle is the same.-
Yeah. Homesickness. And will you stop Igen's squaking?
-Trying. I think she wants to fly on her own.-
Then let her. She's not going to leave. I think.
-That's the thing. There's not a very powerful link between me and her. Not like a flit at all.-
Oh well. I've not known a single person to leave you voluntarily.
Barring your family.

The mental dialogue stops as the red Kilven lands gracelessly, jarring both human and Vae perched on his back. But Channa refrains to comment, knowing Wrelor isn't quite used to this new body yet, and she dismounts, letting go of Igen's tail to do so. The beautiful black Vae seems to purr, spreads her wings to their full twelve feet, and gently glides to perch on Channa's shoulder. "Oof. Heavier than flit. Gotta remember that." -Stay out here, Wrelor. I'm gonna see if you can come in first. Got that, bub?- The red doesn't answer, his eyes swirling in agitated hues, so Channa hurries into the Den, one hand steadying Igen. She spots three Kilven a bit farther inside, and nods to herself. -It's okay. C'mon. There's a gold, brown, and silver in here already.-

Wrelor bundles his way after his human, his head surprisingly at her level and his tail practically dragging the floor. Igen, her black fur patterned with violet and silver swirls, croons sweetly to the out-of-place red. Channa, acutely aware of a sense of trespassing, minces her way down the hall (she'd taken a side entrance) and spots Peace talking to a Coinshifter. She smiles, bows, and calls, "Hello Peace." -Thank Faranth for my good memory of names.- "I'm Channa, with red Wrelor. We were hoping to-" -Wait. What are we doing?- Visiting. -Oh.- "-visit for a little bit, if that's okay with you and Mavlae." The red Kilven, not even waiting for a formal invitation to enter the Den, slinks past his lifemate and curls up in a tight ball, head under his paws and tail blade resting against them, the tip glittering wickedly in the light. Igen purrs as Channa takes a few steps forward, eyeing the brown and gold bulks of Kilven (which hide the two Tokathe and Wessae from her sight) and folds her legs, sinking against her lifemate and briefly closing her eyes.

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